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looking for lite ball bondage fun

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Started by #213841 at 02,Dec,11 02:43
anyone from Queensland australia out there male or female, any age , who would like to talk about ball bondage, i'm looking for a bit of fun with my balls, no pain though , just grab em, tie them up, suck them, tie a rope around my scotum and do it up really really tight untill my balls turn red , then threaten to castrate me while slapping my vunerable balls with a hunting knife , like a said though, no pain, i'm just kinky and get horny thinking about ball bondage done to me , would love to sit naked on my special made wooden bench with a hole in the centre to let my balls dangle through , legs spread , toes can only just touch the floor, my big balls dangling down through the hole in the wood, ancles tied so i can't get away, a string tied around my balls with a heavy weight hanging off of it , my cock rock hard as my nuts are threatened with removal,

Similar topics: 1.Hanging right ball   2.Self-bondage   3.Self-bondage techniques   4.Rope bondage   5.Play ball?  

New Comment

By #165417 at 02,Dec,11 03:12
oh sound is good. I also love in ball bondage. u can see pics of them in my page. I like to give u what u want. But unfortunately we r not close.
By Vita at 22,Jan,12 15:55 other posts of Vita 
[deleted image]

By gay200948 at 18,Apr,13 11:22 other posts of gay200948 
you can see some ball bondage in my pictures too.
By Vita at 08,Jun,13 05:33 other posts of Vita 
yes really hot - thx !!

By #201583 at 02,Dec,11 03:32
Stand on a stool and stick your boys in a vice, and have your partner suck you off. Just remember not to piss them off because all they have to do is kick the stool out.

By #101127 at 02,Dec,11 03:16

[deleted image]

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