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Self-bondage techniques

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Started by #201155 at 29,Dec,12 15:51
I love self-bondage. Does anyone else share the same interest, and if so do you have any tips and tricks you can share?

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By #358797 at 26,Aug,13 16:07
I used to use stiff rope and tie a loop on one end and free the loose end through the hole before tying it to the corner post. Then I could control the tension and easily get loose. Handcuffs with a safety latch work well too. Lol.
By #201155 at 27,Aug,13 12:07
were you ever unable to free yourself without help?
By #358797 at 27,Aug,13 21:50
Nah, I'm a crafty bitch, I've always found a way. Lol. Came close once, the rope locked around one wrist and I'm shit at removing knots. I'm a wierdo who stashes weaponry throughout my home though, so there was a knife handy. I'd chew my way out before I'd get help though. Lol.

By #166058 at 26,Aug,13 17:13
tie ya cock and balls up...drip wax on your balls and cock ,....estim toys...pumps ..cages ...souunding

By #414941 at 26,Aug,13 11:49
check out my member page. do that. it is incredible.
By #201155 at 26,Aug,13 13:31
Do you ever secure yourself with rope or chain, like I did in this video?

By #201155 at 26,Aug,13 11:45

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