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Rope bondage

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Started by #539098 at 01,Aug,17 03:29
Anyone out their ever played with the art of shibari, rope bondage?

Wish I could play with the rope more, there is something exotic about the smell of the rope, mixed with body fluids.

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New Comment

By #539098 at 01,Aug,17 13:37
It's been awhile since I've gotten to break out the rope , I have a couple books that show many different type of ties. I normally stick with the basic restraint ties with occasional harnesses. All the ties I use are with sex in mind not just artistic. Hopefully I'll be able to add some pictures of some rope play in the future.

The reason I like ropes is the entire tieing and untieing process is very sensual, much more intimate then just slap on cuffs.

By #485312 at 01,Aug,17 08:35
what are your favourites sites that show some of this shibari knots??? lve seen many different restraints but what makes this rope tying art so different from the usual stuff ??? do you have any of your own shots of some of your handy work?? *lix*

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