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I'de love to suck! but not to kiss..

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Started by #203440 at 02,Dec,11 22:31
I'de love to suck cock. just the look of a cock makes me hard. but I never imagine kissing a guy.. is that common?

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By slipper at 05,Dec,11 02:40 other posts of slipper 
Check the thread here about those who like guy parts but not guys... or something to that effect and you'll find you are NOT alone!!!

By mikeyd270 at 03,Dec,11 00:46 other posts of mikeyd270 
Not sure if it is common but I am the same way. I am only interested in men from the waist down. Not into kissing or nipple play. Love a nice hard throbbing cock in my mouth. Love sucking and love to feel that hard cock swell up and shoot a nice creamy load down my throat.
By #201583 at 03,Dec,11 01:10
It's very common. So common in fact it makes it harder for me to sift through the masses to find me a full blown anything goes play pal.

By #201583 at 02,Dec,11 23:40
Yes, in the bi, straight, and gay world. Just like you have a woman that won't do anal or give head. Some guys I will kiss and some I won't because of bad breath, same with the woman I won't kiss them all. A lot of bi tops I have encountered didnt kiss, because they thought that would classify them as gay. They failed to realize that sex with the same sex is a homosexual act, so why hold back, sex is sex.

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