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no interesting subject to discuss

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Started by #212437 at 06,Dec,11 13:50
most of the time when i search for a new subject, i don't feel anything interesting to discuss. Rather it's only based on member's personal story . like would u eat my pussy, virgin pussy, how is my dick?, virgin dick etc. I think they need just attention, nothing more.

Similar topics: 1.Rough sex   2.We can do BETTER than this - Can't We?   3.and all other petty topics that are not interesting to an intelligent reader   4.QUESTION OF THE DAY, let's discuss   5.Nacho Post  

New Comment

By admin at 06,Dec,11 15:10 other posts of admin 
This is not exactly a quantum-physics community forum, you know...
By #201583 at 07,Dec,11 01:48
Quantum-physics could help us get to the new planet they found that can sustain life, its only 600 light years away. One light year is roughly 6 trillion miles.
By #206416 at 08,Dec,11 05:22
I read an article recently on inertial dampening experiments that could lead the way to "cheating" our passage through space so as to effect faster-than-light travel eventually. In theory. Negative gravity. By "speeding up" time inside the field, outside time by comparison (relativity) is slowed down. So that the resulting movement reaches a higher than normal ratio of distance/time. So passage through space could become virtually instantaneous. Several prominent quantum physicists (including Michio Kaku) say that this could be possible within the next 50 years. And if the technological "singularity" predicted by Ray Kurzweil happens, it could be produced even sooner by A.I.
By #201583 at 09,Dec,11 23:22
I thought I was the only nerd.

By slipper at 08,Dec,11 07:40 other posts of slipper 
So, introduce some "interesting subjects" for us!!!

By #88520 at 06,Dec,11 16:39
Yes! lets all discuss about how there isn't anything interesting to discuss

Adult Discussion Forum