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About Condom Size and Girth

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Started by taurus at 07,Dec,11 12:50  other posts of taurus
Yesterday I went to a whorehouse and had some troubles with a condom. I used a normal sized condom when I fucked a black woman with a big ass; at first, she gave me a blowjob that feel good (i contracted my cock muscles to pump **** into the shaft and i saw she felt and responded to it), but i noticed i didn't reach max erection because the condom was too tight, specially on the head and mid shaft, where I'm thickest. Then i layed down and she sat on my cock, moaning, and I fucked her hard. When she got tired she got on fours and I did her from behind, she moaning again... It was hard to feel anything but I kept on going, then I fucked her ass, hard at first but than I couldn't keep the erection and had to stop.
My cock size is 6.5" long and 5.7-5.8" (never measured the head but it is a little thicker than the rest) and here's a pic with me using the same condom I used.


This is a normal pic of my erect cock.


Do you think I should buy extra large condoms?
Thanks in advance for the answers!

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New Comment

By DarkMax at 22,Jul,24 18:05 other posts of DarkMax 
I have tried Mister Size condom of size 60 for penis circumference 13.5-14.5 cm. It fits me well.
+ /blogs/41713.html

By taurus at 30,Jul,12 15:12 other posts of taurus 
I just tried a variety of condoms called LARGE (there are no magnus available here) with width size 55mm, and it fitted perfectly, I don't feel squeezed at all. Feels great, if you have a similiar problem try it out, it may change your life

By WristThick at 03,Jul,12 00:29 other posts of WristThick 
As someone who can't fit into ANY condoms anywhere, I've struggled with this question for most of my life. Until I finally found something that fits. I vouch for my.size 64 and 69 mm rubbers. Search for them online. I order them from Europe, since they don't have them anywhere in the US or Canada. Since you're under 6" for girth, you might want to try the 60 mm variety. Magnums and XL's have a base width of 54 mm, which are completely OUT for me because my shaft gets thicker towards the base. So try those first and hopefully you'll fit. Otherwise the my.size condoms will do you good.

By #169357 at 02,Jul,12 15:22
I have the opposite problem. If the woman is tight, the normal sized condoms slip off. I've heard of smaller sized condoms, but can't seem to find them anywhere.
By boc at 02,Jul,12 16:41 other posts of boc 
According to my sociology professor you have to go to Asia to get those.

By #194437 at 02,Jul,12 05:08
My cock in a XXL condom and in an average one

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By #194437 at 14,Dec,11 18:09
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Look at "my size"! They have all size

By boc at 11,Dec,11 00:44 other posts of boc 
Try magnum then you'll know. I use them and they make a big difference in not constricting my erection and in my sensitivity.
By #159795 at 12,Dec,11 16:25
Try cutting off your cock and sticking it up your lard ass cunt
By boc at 12,Dec,11 17:47 other posts of boc 

By #6568 at 08,Dec,11 11:43
If your head is larger than the shaft you are fortunate,....I'm above average thickness and much thicker at the base so condoms have always been a BIG problem for me because they tend to be constantly sliding upwards and the ring cuts in and hurts like hell. This means I usually have to hold the ring with one hand,..not ideal. Relatively recently I have discovered the female condom and find this MUCH more useable and comfortable, although they are not popular with many women. With the FC one can come right out of the vagina, not be afraid of losing the condom and also the foreskin can function as normal etc.

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