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how to remove my foreskin ???

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Started by #149243 at 09,Dec,11 11:43
hi everyone i am 21 with uncut dick. Can anyone tell me how to remove my foreskin and how to grow my penis without any external agents. Please help me. Thank you......

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New Comment

By slipper at 11,Dec,11 02:31 other posts of slipper 
Try pinking-shears!

By #2331 at 09,Dec,11 15:21
Is that 21 yrs or 21 months old?
By slipper at 11,Dec,11 02:31 other posts of slipper 

By #147052 at 09,Dec,11 14:59
If it is causing a problem with your erections, then go see a doctor. Otherwise, keep it clean and you will not have problems. Those of us that are cut wonder why our parents put us through this trauma at such an early age. Your dick size is genetically programed-not much you can do about it.

By #153287 at 09,Dec,11 13:44
you can buy a clamp which you wear for about three days and then the skin falls off but you may still need to go to the doctors to get the anesthetic. and not sure about penis enlargement I know there's always places promoting pills and such but doubt they really work, I think masturbation helps keep it long, or hard pulling.

By #81191 at 09,Dec,11 13:36
Cant think why the size causes so much angst. Strech and pull it for all your worth and it will simply go back to its former size. AS for your foreskin if its not causing medical problems it may only be a fashion thing.
I am sure there are some who have attempted self circumcision but also sure they later regretted it. A surgeon knows what he doing, you wont.

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