Uncut it looks better!
Cropping without a medical indication is nonsense, I'm glad I still have my foreskin, it can be great to masturbate with it. With cleanliness, I have no problems because I washed the glans (penis) in the retracted foreskin, twice a day and after use (masturbation, GV).
But remove the prepuce frenulum (frenulektomy) I can only recommend that the benefits are:
First The foreskin can be pulled further back, thus enabling greater stroke during masturbation possible and the foreskin is moving.
Second The penis looks better because the foreskin can be pulled back almost unwrinkled.
Third The penis can be kept clean much better.
I removed the frenulum with three interventions themselves completely. But everyone does the same urologist.

However it is now very long and loose.
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I did the same way and I totally agree with Jagstein !