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Started by #10740 at 07,Sep,09 17:14
I notice that theres not many cut penises on this site. Why is that? What do you think of my scar??

Similar topics: 1.loose circumcisions   2.Adult circumcisions   3.Tight circumcisions - no loose skin even when soft   4.A MESSAGE TO MY FRIENDS FROM ROUTEMASTER   5.Circumcision  

New Comment

By Badjohnny911 at 11,Oct,13 05:26 other posts of Badjohnny911 
I think uncut cocks look nasty, but a cut cock to me is beautiful

By steve3095 at 08,Oct,13 11:30 other posts of steve3095 
I have a cut cock. Please check it out.

By #22771 at 07,Oct,13 21:56
Im cut, check me out

By #262868 at 07,Oct,13 15:56
i'm cut
By #41858 at 07,Oct,13 16:59
When did you have yours done?

By soundsgreat87 at 03,Oct,13 23:16 other posts of soundsgreat87 
"Not many?"

Uh really? Seems like I'm just wading through an ocean of cut dicks whenever I come here.

By #21910 at 09,Sep,09 13:05
I notice than in many of the cut cocks, the underside is smooth from the head to the balls. Back in my infant days, they used to cut the skin back but leave it on the dick. Ergo there a sensitive little chunk of skin behind the frenum that gives another hot button when masturbating.

I prefer them cut for aesthetic reasons, but a dick is a dick is a dick.
By #10886 at 10,Sep,09 09:57
That term is politically unacceptable. It should read:

....but a richard is a richard is a richard.
By bigone21 at 03,Oct,13 22:49 other posts of bigone21 
or: a cut dick is a cut dick is a cut dick...

or: a doctor is a doctor is a doctor!

By #4406 at 29,Sep,09 00:27
my dick it cut

By #5440 at 25,Sep,09 11:10
I was only minimally circumcised, so I still have most of my foreskin. I'd love to be recircumcised and have all my foreskin removed.

Adult Discussion Forum