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Fuck my arse.

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Started by #29033 at 22,Dec,11 13:45
I want to be fucked hard while I wank myself off, who wants to cum in me?

Similar topics: 1.ARSE ARSE ARSE   2.Fuck Me Hard   3.Arse or Ass.   4.arse fuck and docking   5.Self fuck  

New Comment

By hytiger at 28,Dec,11 14:50 other posts of hytiger 
I'd be up for it!

By #201583 at 22,Dec,11 20:51
Great pictures, I would give you a whirl, but bareback and cream pies are only for my wife.

By mywusch at 22,Dec,11 15:53 other posts of mywusch 
i would like to try you

By #216929 at 22,Dec,11 14:44
anal sex is not pleasant atall. It's very much painful. U may also get infection. there are so many -ve side effects which are discussed before. U should think twice, Before going through it. Do what u feel right to you & your body. Don't listen to others . Listen yourself. Good luck.
By #201583 at 22,Dec,11 15:16
Anal sex is very pleasant to me. Eyes of the beholder. Have you ever been penetrated horneydick? Just curious your profile indicates you are straight. It is I never knew a straight guy so educated in gay sex. Because your opinion states that anal "its very much painful." Just seeing if its from first hand experience, or second hand heterosexual popular opinion. Question? If said person puts a condom on and has protected sex, and said person gets an infection, wouldn't that be a personal hygiene problem? Another question, Since my turds are twice the diameter of the average cock, statistically speaking, Wouldn't I be more likely to damage my sphincter having a bowel movement?

Adult Discussion Forum