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How to choose the right cock for the first time?

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Started by #218928 at 23,Dec,11 11:02
I need tips on -how to choose a cock to enjoy for the first time?-

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New Comment

By Ray10754 at 23,Dec,11 12:12 other posts of Ray10754 
Know the person and what he is all about, choose the person not the cock,
Make your decision with your big head not your other one
By #218928 at 23,Dec,11 14:36
Ray10754 in the mean time i find the right cock can i be your cock toy. i was looking @ your pics and i will like to lend you my cock for u to enjoy as you do with your toy:-)
By Ray10754 at 23,Dec,11 15:18 other posts of Ray10754 
If your close enough I wouldnt have a problem with that at all
By #218928 at 23,Dec,11 16:40
Im afraid im too far but im getting hard just by typiing this to you
By Ray10754 at 23,Dec,11 16:48 other posts of Ray10754 
By #218928 at 24,Dec,11 00:12
Ray...... show me how to deal with cocks and how to access private chat.. thanks
By Ray10754 at 24,Dec,11 00:25 other posts of Ray10754 
go to your profile page on the right side ,under your name you will see private messages this is on everyones profile page tis is where you send and recive pvt messages from.
If you have a pvt message, it will either show up when you sign in or you will see your pvt mesage bar in green saying you have a message, you should have a few there waiting, from me

By #204074 at 23,Dec,11 14:59
i wish to help u to find but unfortunetly i dont know. i met a guy couple of week ago. and he tried to fuck me but it was my worst experience. too panic. here on syd many smart guy active and ready to help. a person like ray10754 and many more are too smart and serve them best advice.
By #218928 at 23,Dec,11 15:08
Imlove i was hoping to get one before 2012 but u guys are right i will not rush things thanks i hope we can keep chatting it seems that we r looking for the same thing.
By #204074 at 23,Dec,11 17:58
thanx for ur msg. why u r in so hurry. its life its too short as well as too long also. if it is ur destiny to meet or get a desired cock no one can stop u or that cock to meet u. it will be good to chat with u. as i know myself i m not seeking for any dick. it was incident that time i was drunk. so why i desiderate to share my feelings and i wrote for this forum and even u wont believe i got so many advices few of guy like ray, cumdump and hornydick shown me the right path. its up to us what we want actualy we just make fool ourself thats it. may be u dont like my opinion. but dear its true. if u tried to sail agains the flow of river u will be tired and sinked. pls dont feel about me.

By #147052 at 23,Dec,11 15:00
Use your brain, have good communication skills, be friendly, don't assume that it will work on the first time meeting, be clean, discrete, disease free, practice safe sex,etc. And most importantly follow oldbugle's advice and venture forth!

By #6568 at 23,Dec,11 11:40
Well strangely enough a good cock is usually attached to a good man, so you could start there.......

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