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If you had to choose one

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Started by #64328 at 21,Apr,20 06:24
If you have to choose only one for the rest of your life. Masturbating of having sex which one would you chose?

Similar topics: 1.Free Ballin'   2.if u had to choose ONE, would u choose girth or length?   3.TRIBUTE PIC   4.GLORYHOLE: You must choose one - Do you stand or kneel?   5.If you could have an MMF with any two people on this site, who would it be?  

New Comment

By nekekal at 05,May,20 01:09 other posts of nekekal 
Oh, i would chose fucking, or being sucked. I have masturbated most of my life. It is not a choice, it is just what I can do. The wife always hated sex and gave it up completely about 15 years ago. So masturbation is the alternative. If I could find a hooker I would be a regular customer.

By #583549 at 25,Apr,20 00:16
I would chose a 2"x 10"king cock dildo buried in my ass while licking my precum from my cock!

By cumcouplessa at 24,Apr,20 20:41 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. So very sad to read the comments about wife's having lost interest in sex. One would think that modern medicine should be able to assist in such cases, but I guess we still have a long way to go in this field? . Been very lucky with wifey so far, hope it holds out, but to be honest, if she ever went off sex, I would silently hope that she allow me to find it elsewhere. I would have no problem allowing her that if the roles were reversed. Have any couples experienced this? Did it work?

By #615909 at 24,Apr,20 13:44
I choose masterbate cause its anytime you want and you in control...yes ...
By #536019 at 24,Apr,20 17:01
No concerns about a partner getting off; no communication issues, ever! It's 100% the masturbater's own pleasure.

By knewbi at 24,Apr,20 15:59 other posts of knewbi 
Doesn't matter... I would cheat and do both no matter what I agreed to.

By #513416 at 24,Apr,20 13:20
If I have to choose sex woud be the one. Playing with someone's body and even just seeing them naked is wonderful. Sadly masturbation is now the norm as my wife's libido is also nil.

By wycowboy at 23,Apr,20 11:52 other posts of wycowboy 
My wife has pretty much lost interest in sex so masturbation is about all I have.

By #463848 at 22,Apr,20 12:38
Sometimes it isn't a choice. Partners can die and may not be replaceable; but a hand will suffice as the end justifies the means.

By leopoldij at 22,Apr,20 05:49 other posts of leopoldij 
Why is masturbating a choice? It's there, it can be done any time. It's a given.

But a partner isn't a given.

By #551482 at 21,Apr,20 17:19
Depends. Would she be pretty?

By #536019 at 21,Apr,20 12:16
Depends on the frequency and quality of the "sex", I think.

I'm an old guy with a zero-libido wife... so I'll choose masturbation. Always a good orgasm, and I can stay hard and go an hour or two with no problem.
By abagurio at 21,Apr,20 13:20 other posts of abagurio 
The question did not say sex only with the wife...
By #536019 at 21,Apr,20 17:06
So is it "same old masturbation vs sex with a selection of always-available, live-out-my fantasies partners"? Then I'll go with sex!

By #339203 at 21,Apr,20 13:21
I've been doing only registered users can see external links for a few years now... so definitely SEX for me... (amazing how receptive your partner is when they know you don't waste your load, and save it for them)

By DJS at 21,Apr,20 13:21 other posts of DJS 
No contest Sex ail day long

By What-once-was at 21,Apr,20 12:24 other posts of What-once-was 
I mean sex...why would you not pick sex?

By abagurio at 21,Apr,20 07:19 other posts of abagurio 
Sex. No doubt

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