My 2 cents worth on the topic Being a Bi male with the roll of mostly a bottom I can say for me it dose not matter.
I have been with guys that have average dicks 5 -7 inches) and had a lot of fun and enjoyment.
Been with several that were above average 7-9 inches)
and had the same amont of enjoyment.
I think it is with in the additude of the person,and how they use what they have.So to me I truly dont think it matters at all.
By #6568 at 25,Dec,11 12:02
I think you are looking at this the wrong way,....size has little to do with it. Cocks are attached to men firstly, and, like men themselves cocks are all different,...some are handsome,..some are impressive,...some are full of character........
I have been with guys that have average dicks 5 -7 inches) and had a lot of fun and enjoyment.
Been with several that were above average 7-9 inches)
and had the same amont of enjoyment.
I think it is with in the additude of the person,and how they use what they have.So to me I truly dont think it matters at all.
........And some are just pricks!