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Size does matter

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Started by #107002 at 10,Aug,11 21:54
Are you happy with size of your cock?
I can't complain I'm 6" an uncut, what about you guys?

Similar topics: 1.I have a tiny penis, how much does size matter   2.Does size matter??   3.Does it actually matter?   4.SYD is a great place   5.Size Matters  

New Comment

By #250899 at 15,Aug,13 12:21
name says it all

By DJS at 13,Aug,13 10:59 other posts of DJS 
Yes diffidently, I cant see the point of Photoshop like some do on here But if that makes them feel good in them self so be it

By #236977 at 15,Mar,12 08:21
not what u got, how u use it. MEOW!
By #417718 at 07,Aug,13 02:10
You're sexy as hell,Sinevra!

I hope you don't mind my saying that.

By #417718 at 07,Aug,13 01:48
I personally am not happy with my size at all.
I am,or at least use to be,6.7 inches when erect,I just don't know anymore though.
Now that I have the dreaded dickeedoo disease.

Seriously though,I would like to be at least 10 inches long,and girthwise proportionate.
I could absolutely give myself a blowjob then.

By #418812 at 07,Aug,13 01:16
physically size does not matter, but mentally it does

By bigone21 at 14,Mar,12 19:14 other posts of bigone21 
size doesn't matter in the same way that money doesn't matter... if you lack it, you have to deal with it! if you have enough, it's no guarantee for happiness! the money-situation can change next month or year! one can always hope..! the size does not change... it is what it is! better become an expert in using it!!
By #315268 at 07,Aug,13 01:09
Like what you said

By pifad at 06,Aug,13 21:56 other posts of pifad 
I'm 6.5 and quite happy with mine

By #363677 at 06,Aug,13 19:17
Dude 6 Inches Is Small nowadays
By bigone21 at 06,Aug,13 21:42 other posts of bigone21 
how is that? yesterday it was ok and last night every guy gained an inch or two??

By #177207 at 22,Sep,11 23:02
i feel a bit when i see all of the dicks here every time i see one of the huge dicks my dick is getting smaller.
than i realize how small i'm with my 11 cm
[deleted image]
By spermkiss at 25,Sep,11 16:47 other posts of spermkiss 
Hey man, don't feel bad about your dick. One, because it's the only one you've got and there is nothing you can do to change it or make it bigger. And two, because it's a very attractive dick. Yes, it's shorter than some others, but so what. It's big enough to get the job done and that's all that matters. Plus you have a super attractive glans. I love it when an un-circumcised guy has a large well shaped glans and the outline of his glans shows thru his foreskin. The only thing wrong with your dick is that it's not in my mouth.
By #177207 at 26,Sep,11 00:36
thanks a lot for your very nice words . i like a lot your compliments. do you having any pics ?
By spermkiss at 26,Sep,11 05:57 other posts of spermkiss 
Sorry, but that ain't gonna happen. For my reason, see my Blog.

By #147052 at 14,Mar,12 15:30
I love small dicks and big one too. Quit worrying about it and make the best of it. In fact, bring it over and we can see if it measures up. BTW, I love foreskins.

By jocstfr at 01,Oct,11 15:02 other posts of jocstfr 
A lot of girls have told me that size doesnt matter if you have a great relationship with the person. However if the relationshiip is purelyy sexual, they prefer a big cock. Ive been told my cock is average so of course I wish it were bigger.

By #3997 at 30,Sep,11 12:52
I'm pleased with my cock I wouldn't want it any bigger or smaller, and smaller or bigger guys make their cocks work for them as they should!!!

By slipper at 30,Sep,11 01:04 other posts of slipper 
Size certainly WOULDN'T be the first thing I'd change about mine.

By #177288 at 25,Sep,11 01:51
as long as deepest it get into cunt

[deleted image]

By #135959 at 16,Aug,11 06:30
I like it its what I havecant change it

By WristThick at 11,Aug,11 00:38 other posts of WristThick 
6" is avg. Nothing wrong with that. Besides, girth is where it's at anyway.

By #107002 at 10,Aug,11 22:52
Thanks mate, Good to hear your comments, it's all about confidence

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