Hello just curious if it's just me? Well I'm obsessed with the size of my dick, I think it is too small, I constantly search others pics to compare myself but I always feel like my size is not normal. I am not happy with it at all, and always wish mine looked like others in pics. Is this normal do others feel same? Same thing goes for my balls! Balls are a huge turn on for me and feel like mine are small as well

at one time I had been quite a bit bigger as I lost a lot of weight my size has increased bigger, maybe this contributes? But I'm always searching ways to increase the size of my dick and balls natually never getting far

Anyways sorry if I bore anyone but always thinking bout this, and I find myself always obsessed with other dicks being normal but not my own. Soo just some thoughts, suggestions, or your own view on my dick, and is it the same for others?

Am under 6" you both are so locky to have big cocks..