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fucking when you're drunk

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Started by #162980 at 30,Dec,11 13:11
Ok, ladies and gents, tell me your most ambarassing stories about getting laid when you're drunk ^^ BTW: cumming takes forever when you're really drunk!

Similar topics: 1.drunk bj   2.Has anyone sucked a step dad, dad or family member when they were **** drunk   3.Fucking at the BEACH.   4.Me drunk and passed out   5.Me drunk and passed out what would you do to me?  

New Comment

By #5532 at 30,Dec,11 19:19
I tend to get more daring, or is that horny. Was feeling pretty good the first time I had my guy and two other men. Probably would not have taken three guys without a bit of vino. Glad I did though, led to the next time I still cum just as much, maybe a bit more.
By #162980 at 31,Dec,11 15:14

By #147052 at 30,Dec,11 14:58
booze=limp dicks

By #218130 at 30,Dec,11 13:21
Or you can't get it up too much booze make my dick really limp

Adult Discussion Forum