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Why are so many guys bisexual ?

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Started by #205689 at 06,Jan,12 22:25
I have a few theories why so many guys are bisexual.....lots of guys would love to fuck their wifes/gfs up the ass but they won't let them so they turn to other men.....lots of guys would love to suck their own cocks but they can't, so they suck another guys....lots of guys would like to feel something up their ass but are too embarrassed to ask their gfs....guys would like to cum in their gfs mouths but again they won't let them whereas another guy will.
What do you think....anybody have any other ideas ?

Similar topics: 1.Upside down low (gay bi and DL men only)   2.Bisexual preference   3.I'm gay, but I want to lick and fuck pussy!   4.Are bi guys more cock horny than gay guys?   5.If you are bisexual, but only like feminine types, are you really bisexual?  

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By #467291 at 19,Jul,14 00:50
According to Kinsey the American sexologist 95% of the population men & women are bisexual to some extent. However his research methods have been questioned over the years and the figure is incorrect. Modern research has concluded that a majority of people are bisexual in some way. Furthermore, a person's sexuality is not necessarily permanent, but can change over time. I myself am bisexual, I have sex with both men & women. When I was younger I had more female sex partners than male. These days I'm more inclined towards men, but like to have sex with a woman occasionally.

By #301038 at 18,May,13 11:37
Seems like there are lot of logic in your post, however it's a bit faulty.

A straight man, no matter how sexually frustrated will not turn to another man for any sexual pleasure on his own free will. There must be a change of consciousness, a brain shift, for a heterosexual male to change his preference.

Some men are born bisexual, just like some women are. And some people are born homosexual, and that's just the way it is.

Of course, there are certain traumatic events that can change that, like being sent to prison for a long period of time, or being raped. Psychological trauma might cause the person to adapt to a new reality, because the old one is either out of reach or is simply way too traumatic.

But in a normal world, under normal conditions a straight man will remain straight to the end of his life, despite the availability of females. Bi man might feel predominantly straight, but deep down in his mind already considered a possibility of sexual act with another man, and he just might need the right opportunity to realize his bi fantasy.

Also, a woman in love would do anything for the right man. A man, who will encourage his woman's sexuality to blossom and inspire her for new adventures. So, when I hear a man complaining about his wife not doing something for him, it's like complaining about failing a driving test, because his pants were too tight.

I've been with men and women and there was a lot of firsts in my life. I get over my firsts pretty early in life and it took some very special people to encourage me. And I took a very special care of my partners, who confessed to me that they never did this or that. And 9 out of 10 would surrendered their "virginity" without much hesitation.

So before blaming your wife for your desire to suck another's man dick, think twice. You wanted that dick long before you even met your wife, but was afraid to admit it, even to yourself. Man up and repeat after me: "I'm Bi, and it's great. It's not a problem and there is no one to blame for it". Keep repeating it, until it sinks in. Next step is to move on to: "I'm Bi, and it's wonderful. It's what makes me happy and I'm the only one responsible for my happiness".

By #451452 at 29,May,14 05:47
The only reason there are so many "straight" people is the stigma that most religions have attached to M-F sexual intercourse in an effort to increase the population of people in their "church" and make their church more powerful. If the stigma was removed there would be a lot more people indulging in their natural curiosities about pleasure and sex. People draw lines and apply labels to establish an order which makes logical sense to them. In fact genetics, early, including pre-birth, experiences are all added up to determine how people want to express their sexuality. There have been studies of birds and primates that reveal that environmental conditions can temporarily affect the sexual orientation of large portions of the group. Homosexual behavior is a method of contraception, reducing population growth when food is in short supply for instance. Can't we accept each other however we are sexually? Who does it hurt when it is consenting adults?

By #204766 at 28,May,14 04:37
I am bi sexual because I am attracted to both male and female and to quote miss gaga I wasborn this way
By #316255 at 28,May,14 11:43
By Gary5 at 28,May,14 13:45 other posts of Gary5 
I agree

By andrew999999999 at 10,May,14 19:36 other posts of andrew999999999 
I think it's just that men want sex, and some will have it with a man without worrying about if he's gay or bi. For me, being bisexual is more than just sex, it's about who you form loving relationships with.
I wouldn't call myself truly bi, because I don't want to be in a loving relationship with a man, and I don't like to kiss men either. But I do enjoy giving and receiving oral sex and anal too. Although I've only been fucked a few times, and I do prefer to be top in that scenario.
With women, I enjoy the sex more, love kissing, and hope to find one I can spend the rest of my life with.

By #455374 at 10,May,14 09:56
I'm bisexual because I'm bisexual. The same way some people are straight and some people are gay. I have an undeniable attraction towards both men and women. It doesn't mean in some sort of sex freak that would stick his dick anywhere. My libido isn't even that high.

By #55241 at 24,Nov,12 11:20
such a lot of bitching from people who should know better who really cares ? Im bi have been since i was about 14 and to me its the best of both i enjoy good sex with a guy as much as with a girl so guys and girls dont knock it until you try it are you afraid you may enjoy it
By #182552 at 25,Nov,12 01:40
I agree.Lots of poeple are afraid they're gonna like it,and those are the ones that only dream about it.When I'm not enjoying the pleasures I get with women,I love like to enjoy cock.It has nothing to do with the owner of the cock,its just the cock.Poeple that don't try are surly missing out.

By #293669 at 09,May,14 23:51
That's it. If you like sucking cock. Why worry what any one else thinks. Enjoy life and enjoy sex.

By Cutewilly at 09,May,14 22:01 other posts of Cutewilly 
Basically, guys are sexually charged and just want their sexual needs filled. Women are far more level headed.
By spermkiss at 09,May,14 22:45 other posts of spermkiss 
I think you hit the nail on the head. Guys are horn-dogs who want sex, sex and more sex.

By #328554 at 23,May,13 11:57
Because guys are easily bored and will generally fuck anything if it remains stationary for long enough...
By #23212 at 23,May,13 22:53
For someone who so politely and nicely thanks everyone who comments on your photos, I'm shocked that you would express such a strong anti-male prejudice here (and you're not even in the USA, where it's so publicly common)! Would you think of posting negative views, like this, of women, of blacks, of Jews, ... ?
By #360973 at 24,May,13 03:42
He's a good-guy, sin...with a healthy sense of humour, sure he meant no offense, my friend
By #328554 at 24,May,13 06:09
Hey sinanff47, ease back there dude. If you're offended I apologize, that wasn't my intent. I'm not anti-male or anti anyone with the exception of pigeons, of course. It was a tongue in cheek comment and not to be taken seriously although on a serious note, like it or not males are hardwired to fuck anything as often as possible, that's nature (in very simple terms).
By #23212 at 24,May,13 06:48
Yes, thank you L_F and g-g, it was/is very clear that you, g-g are a 'good guy'. That's why I was surprised. No offense was taken, and all's well, humour is accepted.
And what's not to like about being "hard wired" for sex play--I love it.

By #208346 at 21,May,13 06:42
I read somewhere that sex is sex and God made 2 sexes so why ignore one of them.Rings true for me.

By #291618 at 19,May,13 06:05
i think we all are kinda bisexual

By #364116 at 17,May,13 16:52
I think we are all bisexual in nature but we build up cultural "norms" that try to keep people "in line". Sex is sex.
By Ablaze at 18,May,13 00:20 other posts of Ablaze 
I think the same. No one in fact is heterosexual.

By #303133 at 17,May,13 21:57
Because that's the way they are wired.
Your "theories" are ludicrous for several reasons:
1. They are all based on the assumption that, if a lady won't do what her guy wants, the guy will easily turn to another man to achieve satisfaction. Why not stuff a cucumber up his butt or blow a goat if that's all it takes?
2. They assume that having sex with guys is the same as having sex with women. It is not...the experiences are quite different.
3. They suppose that there must be a "reason" for a man to be bi sexual other than the fact that he quite simply IS.
By #201583 at 17,May,13 23:32
I agree. A straight man wouldn't even think about it. He would just pick up a bar-fly after last call. The problem is people refuse to believe , nor simply accept the fact we were born this way.

By #220845 at 17,May,13 20:06
Good question, I am still amazed by the number of us who enjoy our own sex, when I was younger I thought I was the only one.

By #182552 at 25,Nov,12 01:33
Your probably close to hitting the nail on the head.I'm bi and all those reasons I understand.The one you left out is,large penis envy.Maybe I'm not saying it right,but the guys I've talked with about enjoying another man penis,agree that there is a draw to a nice looking,large penis,even though we all love the pussy.Theres something about,good looking cock that make me want some all the time,and its hard to find aguy with a big one,that wants it sucked by a man.

By #183935 at 08,Jan,12 03:24
Everyone is bi. Some nearer the straight end, some nearer the gay end. You just need to meet the right person...
By #201583 at 08,Jan,12 06:45
In my opinion you are correct. Some people just don't get it. It's like they have to see the math to belive the answer. Dick...pussy...ass...mouth... turn out the lights after a few drinks and a straight guy couldn't tell if his wife or best friend was blowing him. Oh wait, I forgot most women start bitching around 10 minutes into a blowjob, thats a dead give-away. Like its that hard.
By #254338 at 10,Aug,12 19:05
Laugh out loud!

By #254338 at 10,Aug,12 19:03
I notice from the thread, that gaysude65 responded to spermkisses comment mixed with mattswife and it escalated from there... Mattswife didn't claim to convert gay men, spermkisses did...

By #254338 at 10,Aug,12 18:53
Penis envy also comes to mind.... My first experience was with a friend party because I couldn't believe the size of it... And wanted one that big.... And if I couldn't have one, I might as well offer to play with one....

By #225414 at 14,Jan,12 03:30
I'm just a greedy bastard

By #59855 at 07,Jan,12 05:59
From Matt's Wife: I think this ia a generalization and bi men are rare
By spermkiss at 07,Jan,12 18:25 other posts of spermkiss 
I think you're right. What many people, perhaps most people, do not realize is that practically everyone when placed in a sexual situation with another person will become aroused and be able to perform, regardless of the gender of the other person and regardless of the orientation of the person in question.

Another thing that many people, straight men especially, do not realize is that all men like to look at other men's dicks. This includes straight men. It's a guy thing. So when a straight man happens upon this site and finds that he likes looking at the dicks here and is even turned on by them, he thinks he must be bi. That ain't necessarily so. A straight man can enjoy another man's penis, even sucking him to climax and swallowing his sperm, and still be straight.

Of course the same thing happens the other way. As I've told you in the past, I'm as gay as they come, but I think you have a lovely pussy and I could eat it for hours and still want more.
By #161491 at 07,Jan,12 21:51
"A straight man can enjoy another man's penis, even sucking him to climax and swallowing his sperm, and still be straight. Of course the same thing happens the other way. As I've told you in the past, I'm as gay as they come, but I think you have a lovely pussy and I could eat it for hours and still want more."

I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree with you here. If you're that attracted to pussy and could go there as eagerly as you just stated, I'd hardly say you're "as gay as they come." Same goes the opposite direction for a "straight" guy who craves dick that much. Experimenting is one thing, and appreciating something aesthetically is another. I think what you're describing is a degree of bisexuality.

And bi men are definitely not rare. I've been meeting bisexual guys for years, and more and more men seem to be coming out as such, some of whom even previously identified as gay.
By #59855 at 08,Jan,12 04:42
From Matt's Wife: We are talking about my pussy. I have turned more than one gay man straight. Are bi men rare in Vegas??????????? NO. Are they rare other places.....Yes. Don't get into this tit for tat with me.
By #161491 at 08,Jan,12 04:59
Look, I don't know what your problem is, Matt's wife, but if you can't handle someone disagreeing with you on a public forum, then you seriously need to go elsewhere. If bi men are so rare, then please explain the large numbers of them on this forum.

And I h a t e to break it to you, but there is no magical elixir in your pussy that "turns" gay men straight. You seriously need to get over yourself. You sound like a homophobe.
By #59855 at 09,Jan,12 20:43
From Matt's Wife: No shit gaydude, you fucktard. But I can honestly say that there is something about you that magically makes women say.......what an asshole.....Are you gay simple because women don't want you????? Just asking L0L Did you read my last post??? Seriously I didn't even attack you but you sure as hell personally attacked me thus my being pissed at you now. Again bi men are rare in the places I frequent. I don't want to be your enemy but as I said before, don't get into a tit for tat with me and when you go after one of my friends you go after me. So in closing lets bury the hatchet and put this behind us. Oh and you should try shaving your dick might look a little bigger and maybe more desireable.
By #161491 at 09,Jan,12 23:38
Eat shit, you miserable, obnoxious, homophobic cunt. I wouldn't be surprised if any man who even looks at your nasty snatch immediately turns gay.
By #59855 at 10,Jan,12 04:39
From Matt's Wife: L0L, Thats all you got???? No wonder women want nothing to do with you. Just remember that you attacked me first gay boy. Yes I said boy because men don't talk like you just did. You have some deep underlaying issues. Maybe your mommy didn't breast feed you enough or maybe too much. If you shave that little thing be careful you don't shave it off........loser
By #161491 at 10,Jan,12 13:02
Ever heard of transference? That's exactly what you're doing. YOU are transferring your own issues onto ME. I did not attack you; I disagreed with you. YOU are the one who went all bitchy and bossy and started the name calling, the same way you did over in the circumcision thread. Funny, but I haven't had any problems with anyone else on this forum but YOU. Hmmm...wonder why that could be? Maybe it's because YOU are the one who's the loser...oh, and a homophobic cunt too, but we've already established that fact. Interestingly enough, I have no problems with other women either, just you. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do the math and figure out who the one with the issues is. Take a good long look in the mirror, sweetheart.

Oh, and as for my dick being "little": I'm sure anything would seem small when you compare it with that Grand Canyon between your legs.

I'm done with you, but remember this: This is a free forum, and if I choose to comment on any thread here and you have a problem with it, it's YOUR issue, not mine.

You have a nice day now! Hugs and kisses!!!
By #59855 at 10,Jan,12 17:04
From Matt's Wife: You said...."And I h a t e to break it to you, but there is no magical elixir in your pussy that "turns" gay men straight. You seriously need to get over yourself. You sound like a homophobe"

That is an attack!!!! I don't tolerate that. Comment all you want but never attack me again

By #220710 at 12,Jan,12 13:05
Your pussy turned a gay guy straight??
No way, darlin'.
Somebody's kidding somebody.

Maybe it was a straight guy using that ploy to get into your pants.

But if somebody's gay, they're gay.
Your doubtlessly wonderful pussy notwithstanding.
By #59855 at 12,Jan,12 17:50
From Matt's Wife: LOL, I was joking mad jack, he is the one that said it. If some one is an asshole then they are an asshole. Being gay shouldn't mean you **** women unless you are sticking with men because no woman would have you

By #105042 at 11,Jan,12 22:30
Iґm very glad you are wrong
By #59855 at 12,Jan,12 03:22
From Matt's Wife: Just tired of jealous gay men that like to attack on this site. 90 % of the time when i am attacked it is a gay man. There are so many nice gay men on here and I talk to alot of them, this whole attack started because a nice gay man that I have talked to gave me a compliment and a bitter gay man took offense.
By #161491 at 12,Jan,12 04:22
I took offense to your asinine and offensive comment about how you turn gay men straight. If you're going to tell the chain of events, at least tell them accurately. YOU escalated the argument, not me. YOU started the name calling, not me, just like you did on the circumcision thread. YOU took my post personally and made it all about you when it wasn't really even about you, just a disagreement and my own personal opinion. You have problem with gay men because you are homophobic.
By #59855 at 12,Jan,12 05:21
From Matt's Wife: Anyone can look up above asshole....spermkiss commented and your dumb ass tried to contradict what he said, he is my friend so I responded and not attacking at all, actually rather jokingly, then you went off on me. Look you obviously have issues with women. Thats your deal, as I said just leave me alone. Oh and the circumcision thread I was going after assholes that call cut men mutilated. I have no problem with gay men, the man I was defending against you is gay and he is a friend of mine on here. You are a misogynistic asshole!!!
By #161491 at 12,Jan,12 13:11
LOL! There you go again with your name calling. I was giving my opinion, which I still stand by. There was nothing in your post indicating that you were joking. Likewise, there was no "attack" on anyone till YOU escalated it. On the circumcision thread you changed the subject over to female circumcision and then started name calling anyone who disagreed with YOUR opinion (again, you make it all about YOU - YOU are the one with issues).

Don't ever tell me what to do because I will continue to post on here, give my opinions (even if they happen to contradict yours), and say anything I want to. This is a free forum for free expression. If you don't like it, you're free to go elsewhere or simply not respond.

Have a nice day!!!
By #59855 at 12,Jan,12 17:45
From Matt's Wife: Well my opinion is you are an asshole, Leave my friends and I alone. You do realize sarcasm is tough to read in a forum like this??? You are really a moron. Like I said post all you want but you need to stop addressing me.

By #105042 at 12,Jan,12 21:18
I did not attack you and have no intention to do. But, darling, I can read between your lines and as a quite sensitive hunk I am pretty sure you have a BIG problem with gay and bi men and deep in your heart youґre condemning all of us because you only like to be flattered by men saying they like your pussy and all who do not are not real men for you (What pussy b.t.w.? Iґm very disappointed now by having a look at your site, I wish I could see and could comment. But hey, please tell your man that heґs got a real lovely hairy chest :-) I mean, anyone else here is showing more than you do.

My Dear, I am neither jealous nor bitter. I am a very happy (and only accidentally gay) man and consider myself as having an open mind and heart too. I wish you could have more empathy and respect for other people. And IF I am wrong with you (and I hope I am) - itґs up to you to show me.
By #59855 at 12,Jan,12 21:41
From Matt's Wife: Nope I like gay men, I don't like assholes. I get compliments from all on here. I am not anti male. Blah blah blah. No where have I condemed all gay men. There are assholes that are gay or straight.Oh and Paul I didn't say you attacked me, this is getting hard to keep up with. So your attacking me now was uncalled for. I was talking to the man that attacked me

By #205689 at 08,Jan,12 21:14
Thanks for all the different opinions....very interesting !! Lets not get too serious though....please no arguments....it was meant to be tongue in cheek
By #59855 at 10,Jan,12 21:13
From Matt's Wife: Tell that to gay boy

By #188764 at 08,Jan,12 13:49
Lots of guys are mostly straight, but also enjoy stroking or sucking another guy's cock... or at least getting off on looking at cocks in porn. Just about every male who has reached puberty is utterly fascinated with his own cock, so it's natural to be fascinated with other cocks too. Additionally, for many/most guys, their first sexual activity with another person is boy-on-boy sex play that's centered on exploring their friends' cocks.

By #7976 at 08,Jan,12 03:21
I thought about this topic overnight and I can't get around the question; 'who says there are many bisexual men" in the world. I am among those whose wives are not into anal sex but that hasn't pushed me to look for any port in the storm. And if I were in need of an arse to plumb I'd find a woman who does like anal along with all of the many other pleasures a man and woman can provide each other. So, NO, I don't think anal-limited sexual partnerships turn men bi. At least not in general.

By #201583 at 07,Jan,12 05:05
My ex-wife loved anal, oral,and nailing me with a strapon. She loved swapping, group, and bi sex. She managed to convert me. I came to see gay sex as just human sex. Since I learned that the clit is actually a mini penis, I actually have been licking and sucking dicks and didnt even know it. So I see men and women and put them both in one class, human. If you give a man estrogen, they will develope breasts that can lactate, and if taken for very long periods the penis will shrink, to the size of an oversized clit. The man will become fiminine, and if the guy goes through hair removal, and has his atoms apple shaved, you have a woman that cant bare c-h-i-l-d-r-e-n and doesnt have a vagina. So, in other words in my eyes I only see a 2% to 3% difference between the sexes. Not enough of a difference in the sexes to bother me either way. I have never wanted childeren so I threw out reprodution only, a long time ago.

Sex is sex

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