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Knicker Sniffing

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Started by #140602 at 07,Jan,12 16:39
I wonder how many other blokes out there like and enjoy the fetish I have of sniffing women’s knickers?
I love the smell of pussy on a pair of knickers that have just been removed the gusset still warm and moist it makes my cock go hard.
I also enjoy wrapping women’s knickers round my cock and masturbating in them love the feel of the soft silkiness around my cock.

Similar topics: 1.pantie sniffing   2.Panty Sniffing   3.Knicker sniffing   4.Sniffing Ladies Panties   5.Anyone for wank chat?  

New Comment

By #566722 at 15,Sep,18 17:43
I like sniffing dirty ladies knickers too.I used to sniff my sisters-in-law dirty knickers.They were dirty and sweaty and inside them, where her pussy was, there was big white line of her pussy juices.Her knickers had her pussy scent so I got hard as soon as I smelled them.Also I licked that white juices inside her panties and felt so close to her pussy.

By #516354 at 20,Dec,17 04:43
When my Mistress wife had me locked up in my cock cage for long periods I would wait till She was out and then get some of her used panties and sniff them.I found out that rubbing my cock cage up and down(whilst wearing it) I could make myself cum!!

By #546476 at 14,Dec,17 23:41
been doing it since I was about 12 and love it

By #270555 at 14,Dec,17 23:25
i love sniffing a womans worn panties all her natural smells and taste is amazing been at it since i was a little one and think its natural for us men to love a womans natural stink

By leopoldij at 11,Dec,17 02:24 other posts of leopoldij 
here are some panties soiled with female juices.

By #136638 at 28,Dec,12 20:00
Sometimes you cant go directly to the source, and sniffing panties is the closest you will ever get to a certain woman. Nothing captures the scents of a woman and her juices like panties do. The excitement when you are looking for panties and then when you find a pair, its almost like a cardio workout your heart is racing so fast and the blood is pumping into your dick making it so stiff it almost hurts. And when you pleasure yourself while sniffing panties, the explosion is way great than without panties, its amazing how the smell makes one cum so much harder. Check out our profile for more about us.

By #164428 at 13,Jan,12 10:43
I love to smell and taste my own panties! I love to suck and lick my fingers and toys when I've been playing, too. I'm utterly addicted to my pussy juice!
By #218130 at 13,Jan,12 10:50
Mmmmmm can just imagine the aroma and taste. Will drive me insane with lust and desire

By #147052 at 13,Jan,12 18:20
Young lady, you are so awesome!

By #218130 at 13,Jan,12 10:11
Moist and soaked with pussy nectar Oh Yeah, I love it

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