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What makes you instantly horny

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Started by #224308 at 09,Jan,12 20:03
Just a certain peek of something can sometimes do it for me ,also a deep hot odor of something provocative...

Similar topics: 1.I AM GRAZY ABOUT BIG HARD COCK !!!   2.Looking at cocks makes me so horny   3.Hi women, you like horny chats   4.Why do men always assume the women here are desperate to jerk them off?   5.Have you ever anonymously chatted with someone you know?  

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By #102053 at 09,Mar,12 08:27
Love to see an uncut cock with the foreskin just pulled back a bit to reveal the head. Even better if it's hard and shaved

By bimaybe at 09,Mar,12 03:59 other posts of bimaybe 
A woman in a mini skirt preferably without panties giving a little peek or wearing a loose shirt without a bra and bending in such a way to allow a look at her beautiful breasts.

By #181785 at 09,Mar,12 03:00
waking up Yes waking up, as at least 2-4 times a week I get out of bed jump in the shower and whack off

By #201155 at 12,Jan,12 16:38
Knowing that men (and some women, too) will watch this clip of me masturbating and want to do it with me – and maybe to me, as well. I ADORE MASTURBATING!

[deleted image]
By #218976 at 12,Jan,12 16:43
I love watching you wank and cum!
By #201155 at 12,Jan,12 19:12
Thank you! Lots more clips to come – because I love wanking for an audience!!

By bigone21 at 08,Mar,12 19:25 other posts of bigone21 
nive slow flow of cum!! not shooting from the hip, but letting it boil over! nice!!
By #201155 at 08,Mar,12 19:28
Thank you. I always try to prolong the ecstasy

By iluvcox at 08,Mar,12 05:42 other posts of iluvcox 
Smelling in between my wife's toes after a day in nylons.

By #147052 at 28,Feb,12 15:10
The smell of clean pussy and cock. Best turn on out there.

By Ablaze at 27,Feb,12 23:34 other posts of Ablaze 
Wide open anal gape or pussy; nipple, clit and penis piercings; big tits with big nipples; pair of rubbing cocks; big cock with sperm etc. usually turn me on very fast

By bigone21 at 27,Feb,12 23:22 other posts of bigone21 
a sight of this makes me hot on the spot!!

thanks "18cock"!!!

By #164428 at 09,Jan,12 20:09
Bulges in tight underwear, the smell of my own sweet juice, watching a man masturbate, sexy photos of various types, an alluring cologne....oh, so many things!
By #201155 at 10,Jan,12 16:55
I hope you like watching me masturbate, honey!
By #164428 at 10,Jan,12 21:04
Always, my sweet and sexy baby!
By #201155 at 11,Jan,12 08:39
I shall have to think of a way of doing it in real tie for you! xxxxxxxxx
By #164428 at 11,Jan,12 08:41
By #201155 at 11,Jan,12 12:15
I'm working on it!

By #201155 at 27,Feb,12 19:06
I hope you like watching me masturbate, honey! And I am so looking forward to the 29th...
By #164428 at 27,Feb,12 19:13
You know I do!
By #201155 at 27,Feb,12 22:12
I am getting so hard again!

By #123863 at 11,Jan,12 20:34
Mmmm, standing behind a woman and grinding and rubbing my cock against the crack of her ass, whether we're both clothed or naked, doesn't matter. Gets me rock hard every single time. Getting hard just thinking about it right now.
By #201155 at 12,Jan,12 16:19
Me too

By #204615 at 11,Jan,12 09:25
Having my balls slapped .... Dont laugh...try it..
By #23195 at 11,Jan,12 19:37
yeah man, me too... I loved when a girl hit my balls very hard

By 1historian at 09,Jan,12 20:10 other posts of 1historian 
a kiss from my wife, rubbing her ass she tightening them!
By #164428 at 09,Jan,12 20:12
I forgot to mention kissing. A slow, sensual kiss is a major turn-on for me.
By 1historian at 11,Jan,12 12:16 other posts of 1historian 

By #7976 at 10,Jan,12 22:41
A beautiful, sexy, intelligent woman and any attractive woman without a bra and panties in public.

By #135959 at 10,Jan,12 17:07
A simply hug hug or a light kiss from my girlfriend getaway me going

By slipper at 09,Jan,12 21:28 other posts of slipper 
Almost anything and everything even tangentially related to sex--always has and still does!

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