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Have you ever anonymously chatted with someone you know?

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Started by #64328 at 11,Apr,16 19:24
Recently chatting with someone about all our horny secrets i discovered he was someone i know. Now everytime i see him i get horny as hell knowing that he is a horndog too. I wonder if anyone else has done this or the thought of it makes you horny

Similar topics: 1.Is this too much to ask?   2.Anonymously voting down pictures   3.Approaching someone for a blow job   4.anonymous cock ring   5.Have you ever anonymously chatted with someone you know?  

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By #591921 at 18,Mar,20 23:53
I'm not sure but here I did send a message to a woman complimented her on how beautiful her twat was and I rambled on about her pretty twat and her name and how I really had a thing for a woman near me with a name really close to her nick here and how much I really admire her and that I would do nearly anything in the world to be with her and how beautiful and smart she was. I told her how much I thought her pussy was so beautiful that I couldn't draw one that was any more beautiful than that. During the chat the account stayed up but the picture disappeared. The next time I saw this woman I talked about who was local she was so sweet and so kind to me and still each time I see her she smiles and is so nice and talkative. I'm scared to ask if it was her but damn she is absolutely perfect and I di hope it was her so she knows how much I admire her. She actually has been a little more receptive since that night I talked to the woman here so I hope it was her. Fingers crossed

By #612667 at 11,Mar,20 12:23
I end up chatn to guy over the back fence he had no clue neither did his wife it was sorta funny finding out his dirty little secrets and knowing that he had no clue strange cause he comes across as biggest homophobe turns out he was doing stuff with guy next door so yeh bit funny glad he didnt know it was me

By #292697 at 04,Mar,20 15:09
I have a few times being from a small area kind of hard not ending up talking to someone u know even hotter exchanging cock pics I sure do miss Craigslist
By #64328 at 04,Mar,20 15:45

By #64328 at 03,Mar,20 16:57
I have a couple friends that I would love to know more. I think they are as horny as I am and an anonymous chat sharing secrets would be totally hot. I think most would be into this if they could

By #545929 at 30,May,18 00:30
It wasn't in a Chat forum but was a response to a personal ad that I had placed a number of years ago. He sent me very explicit pictures of himself and details of what he wanted to do with my cock. I traced his email and found out he was my landlord, at the time. I never hooked up with him but rent day always made me smile after that.
By #64328 at 30,May,18 05:24

By #64328 at 29,May,18 20:18
I had someone text me a jo video of himself and then said he sent it to the wrong person. I always wondered if he purposely sent it to me

By #547318 at 24,Dec,17 02:47
Not as of yet...But I would love to, provided they had no idea it was me

By Jtown at 22,Dec,17 16:09 other posts of Jtown 
I have been very lucky I suppose.
Was helping a friends girlfriend with het Internet connection and saw she was on this site. So obviously I joined here and.found her, friendly her and.ended up chatting for over 6 months. Not once has she asked for a face pic but she sent me pics daily. Pretty bummed when she decided to leave the site. But I still get naughty emails from her every now and then.

By #64328 at 22,Dec,17 15:56
i have a few friends id like to do this with again sometime but wouldnt want them to recognize it was me.

By #270555 at 14,Dec,17 23:47
fuck it ill say it, ive purposely texted my aunt more than once sextin her up if you knew her you would know she a freak but yeah ive done it

By kebmo at 22,Nov,17 22:11 other posts of kebmo 
Twice on Craigslist. Once I posted an ad for a "Clothing Optional Roommate" and a guy who worked for the same company and I answered it using his own e-mail address and I recognised his name. He was old, fat and hairy. No thanks!

The second time was much different with a happier ending. I was looking to meet a first timer to have some naked fun with and I got a response that I liked and we arranged for him to come to my place. When I saw the elevator across the hall open there stood my niece's husband!! What a crazy situation that was. I wrote a blog story about the hot time that followed in "OMG I know you."
--------------------------------------- added after 6 hours

By leopoldij at 23,Nov,17 11:01 other posts of leopoldij 
Why didn't you tell me that your niece was free when you were fucking her husband? I could have helped her too. You're too selfish. You don't care for your own niece!

By #485312 at 20,Nov,17 11:27
did he show you his face shots?? most blokes here don't show faces so it would be hard to know, only know has ever said to me here they've seen me about, so l guess l haven't done this with anyone local to me *lix*
By #64328 at 22,Nov,17 20:15
No he didnt show face pic but told me his girlfriends name and talked about where he worked. Then in his photos i recognized the surrounding at his house. It was very hot knowing he is as horny as i am and has been since we young.

By #64328 at 13,Nov,17 20:13
is it possible to hide you number while texting?

By #541488 at 23,Sep,17 19:23
Long time ago on something call ICQ was sexting with a woman that turned out to be a woman I crushed on at the same company as me. Years later after I moved I told her it was me.

By #520757 at 30,Jul,17 10:04
Not on here...but I did wank a workmate under the separating wall of a public toilet once....I knew it was him as I recognized his clothes and his cock as I'd caught a glimpse of it before....but he didn't know it was me....
By #64328 at 23,Sep,17 18:52
That is Hot

By #537946 at 30,Jul,17 22:22
Not here, but I was looking for some action and started chatting with someone that sounded hot. We exchanged cock pictures, then I asked him where he lived. Found out he lived close by so asked if he would like to meet and see what happens. When he sent his cell number, I realized that it was my younger ****. I didn't know what to do, but called him and asked if he still wanted to meet and hookup....he said 'well, if we are both looking for some mutual oral satisfaction, who else would you rather trade body fluids. So we hooked up and and enjoyed it several times again....

By #537175 at 30,Jul,17 20:43
I can think of a few guys I would love to see on cam with a hard cock spunking , but as far as I know it hasn't happened yet

By #536913 at 30,Jul,17 02:40
Not exactly. I got a message from a guy saying he liked my dick. I checked his profile and I'm about 100% sure he was my highschool English teacher. Didn't message back because I was kind of creeped out.

By xxinco at 06,Feb,17 19:40 other posts of xxinco 
yes! It was someone I know from work! we even have cammed naked without showing face! I recognized him, but I am 100% sure he didn't know it was me!
By #64328 at 28,Jul,17 19:10
That is a serious turn on. Discovering others guys turn ons anonymously is Hot

By #521574 at 08,Feb,17 14:29
Not yet, at least that I know of. I hope I do though.

By DJS at 08,Feb,17 12:56 other posts of DJS 
Not me personally,but a guy on here started chatting to us & was 100% sure going by my cock pics that he new me through working at the same company,,,

By #485312 at 06,Feb,17 23:11
yeah it creeped me out... it was a friend l used to walk with *lix*

By Greek18cm at 07,Jan,17 03:08 other posts of Greek18cm 
Yes but not in here.
The thing is... That this other person could also know about you and nit tell you.
It could be a nice game until one of them get tired or bored.
By #64328 at 01,Feb,17 19:14
Who was it that you chatted with and did they ever know it was you?
By Greek18cm at 06,Feb,17 17:53 other posts of Greek18cm 
Cousin and a friend of cousin

By #460523 at 02,Feb,17 02:02
not yet on here

By #292697 at 01,Feb,17 21:55
Yes I have it was different walking past him in public knowing that I saw him with an erection. It always what we want is to know what some one looks like without there clothes on

By #64328 at 30,Dec,16 20:36
Anyone else? I would think more would be into it. Knowing other secrets is totally a turn on for me

By #64328 at 05,May,16 19:02
I was hoping more had done this...i just think its hot.

By #363802 at 14,Apr,16 23:21
I agree,that would be HOTT!
By #64328 at 21,Apr,16 19:27
Yes...definitly a huge turn on

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