Started by #210369 at 14,Jan,12 06:48
 | i dont understand why if most all women shave their pubic hair off then why dont most men.It is much more sexier to me .Pubic hair is nasty stinks and gets in the throat.I would much rather see a smooth cock than a discusting hairy one.Very unatractive to me.Hope someone out there agrees with me.I keep mine shaved on a regular basis and it turns me on to look at it. Just look at my pics and you will see that. eveyone i think should be smooth and not just damned women |
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Love my cock to be smooth!!
I am smooth now for several years and I still love it and so does my partner!
I am in the prosess of ordering my personal home lazer so that I can remove it all completly for good, Have pictures on my page being shaved from the waist down,will be posting the new pictures of me complely smooth in the near future.