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Started by #210369 at 14,Jan,12 06:48
i dont understand why if most all women shave their pubic hair off then why dont most men.It is much more sexier to me .Pubic hair is nasty stinks and gets in the throat.I would much rather see a smooth cock than a discusting hairy one.Very unatractive to me.Hope someone out there agrees with me.I keep mine shaved on a regular basis and it turns me on to look at it. Just look at my pics and you will see that. eveyone i think should be smooth and not just damned women

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New Comment

By ilovemydick at 14,Apr,18 16:27 other posts of ilovemydick 

By #121361 at 14,Apr,18 11:52
Relaxed [deleted image]

By #543717 at 13,Apr,18 12:59
Iґm mostly shaved, but last year let my pubes grow again for a while. But now my Godson told me that I look better without hair, so I decided to start shaving again. Always have my balls smooth, though.

[deleted image]

By ScottsCock at 13,Apr,18 12:35 other posts of ScottsCock 

Love my cock to be smooth!!

By cumonme1 at 11,Apr,18 10:51 other posts of cumonme1 
I keep mine smooth but my wife won't shave her pussy.

By #553253 at 08,Apr,18 08:03
As you can see, im lasered bald EVERYWHERE! I hated shaving.

By #217865 at 14,Jan,12 19:35
[deleted image]
I am smooth now for several years and I still love it and so does my partner!

By spermkiss at 14,Jan,12 19:08 other posts of spermkiss 
I'm with you. I'm totally hairless from the neck down and have been for years. That's what I generally prefer in my sex partners, but I can definately go either way. (That is when it comes to hair. For gender I'm men only.) If a man's hair is thick and black, that can be ultra sexy. If, on the other hand, his hair is light colored and thin and whispy, he should shave it off and be hairless.

By Ray10754 at 14,Jan,12 11:29 other posts of Ray10754 
Been shaving for many years now and love it.Started out shaving my cock balls and ass, graduly I started shaving a little more each time and liked how it looked and felt.Was shaved completly from the waist down for many years, I now am completly shaved from the neck down both front and back.
I am in the prosess of ordering my personal home lazer so that I can remove it all completly for good, Have pictures on my page being shaved from the waist down,will be posting the new pictures of me complely smooth in the near future.

By #81191 at 14,Jan,12 10:55
Anyone that shaves their pubic hair is no more hygienic than someone who doesn't which has to do with regular washing. It has to do with appearances as you have said "it turns me on to look at it".

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