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Started by #206678 at 14,Jan,12 20:04
I always pull my foreskin back fully before I piss. Find this some what erotic and certainly stops the 'dribble' effects.

Public toilets are great for showing your dick and I love to retract the foreskin, piss and then squeeze the skin back before I shake a few times. Other guys seem to like to watch!

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New Comment

By mzr at 12,Jun,17 15:09 other posts of mzr 
Watch pissing with my soft uncut foreskin dick

[deleted image]

By jocstfr at 05,Oct,12 00:21 other posts of jocstfr 
I luv the look of pee streaming out of foreskin covered cock. Unfortunately I dont have one but guys still check me out when I pee.
[deleted image]
By Cumeleon at 30,Dec,13 13:15 other posts of Cumeleon 
Same here. Im cut, but the view of pee shooting out the tip of the foreskin can makle me cum. Must feel good, as I imagine everything that has to do with foreskin must feel good .

By foreskinfetish at 13,Nov,13 01:33 other posts of foreskinfetish 
I never skin mine back to pee anymore. A recent bout with kidney stones and all the catheters and lithotripsy equipment damaged my nozzle so instead of a nice collimated stream, I get more of a garden sprinkler effect- very messy. I have a somewhat long foreskin and I found that the hanging skin acts like a tube to guide the pee where it belongs. I also like to show it off at urinals and usually stand back far enough for everyone to see.

By #121361 at 10,Oct,12 09:45
I like to pee on Girls !!!

By #305812 at 06,Oct,12 13:32
I pull my foreskin back at least halfway when I piss. If I dont the spray goes in different directions. When I use a public urinal I pull my foreskin all the way back and stand far enough away so anyone can see my dick who wants to while I piss.

By #195770 at 05,Oct,12 15:42
Do women really like pissing lay or do they sometimes do just for men?

By #220845 at 04,Oct,12 04:59
Since I got my prince Albert I sit to pee at home I kinda like it.

By #276990 at 07,Jul,12 06:47
if feeling horny and want other men to look at my cock when at a urinal I take my balls out and pull back my foreskin about half way.....
By #249167 at 07,Jul,12 06:50
That would be a magnificent sight

By #194437 at 30,Jun,12 18:08
[deleted image]
Photo shopped

By jocstfr at 19,Feb,12 05:21 other posts of jocstfr 
I do notice guys checking my cock out when peeing in public. (I tend to stand back from the urinal a bit)
[deleted image]

By spermkiss at 17,Feb,12 20:11 other posts of spermkiss 
You sure got it right about the joys of going to a public toilet. It is really fine to be able to get your dick out with other men and stand shoulder to shoulder with them and piss with them. Watching other men piss and having them watch you is one of the real pleasures of being a man.

I don't have a foreskin so that part of your comment does not apply to me, though it is fun to watch uncircumcised men skin back to expose their glans. After I'm finished I like to milk my dick to get out the last few drops and to make it at least a little hard to give the guys next to me a good show.
By #218976 at 17,Feb,12 20:22
Me too, course its hard not to have a full blown hardon!
By spermkiss at 17,Feb,12 22:00 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, that happens too. And when it does, it's even more fun. I like showing off my dick and I like showing it off even more when it's hard. How 'bout you?
By #218976 at 18,Feb,12 15:56
I love showing my dick and airport restrooms are the best. I've enjoyed watching others getting a hardon standing at the urinal and letting others see me get a hardon.
By spermkiss at 19,Feb,12 01:27 other posts of spermkiss 
AIRPORT RESTROOMS! You wouldn't by any chance be Senator Larry Craig using a pseudonym?

By #189126 at 15,Jan,12 17:16

my foreskin retract when i pissing

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