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Smallest dick of the world 2cm!!! Does size matter to girls?

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Started by #25138 at 15,Sep,09 21:11
I think i have the smallest dick in the world, check my pics and vids..
I wanna know if there are any women on this planet, who love to have a boyfriend with my size dick? If yes, there is a chance that i wont be a virgin anymore...
Let me knowww

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New Comment

By leopoldij at 10,Jul,16 23:35 other posts of leopoldij 
You haven't seen what a small dick is if you haven't seen this only registered users can see external links

By #24318 at 18,Sep,09 15:50
its not what you have got its the way you use it
By #505990 at 10,Jul,16 15:50
I disagree. No matter how hard I try, I've always been told that they can't even feel it!!
By **FlyingCum** at 10,Jul,16 23:22 other posts of **FlyingCum** 
Maybe you are choosing extra 'loose' ladies to be with then. I can feel my finger when it's inserted and I have small hands. Everyone has different preferences and opinions when it comes to size. Not every female thinks big cocks are best.

By cardinal at 13,Feb,16 01:33 other posts of cardinal 
if you could eat a wild pussy some women should'nt mind cuz they can just pullout that sex toy but cant just eat they own snatch!

By #502201 at 13,Feb,16 00:57
Yes it does anyone who says any different is lying pure and simple.

Adult Discussion Forum