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To admin - cookies

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Started by #139037 at 17,Jan,12 20:56
Dear admin,

despite the fact I enjoy browsing on the site a lot, I do have a problem with one thing. The cookies used by the site seem to be of unlimited time. When I logged into the site the first time, I purposely asked my browser not to remember my password. Despite that, I'm still logged on to the site every time I leave and join again (without logging off). For most sites out there, that's quite handy, but not for this one. I for one, don't want my family members or good friends to see my most personal pics if they are using my computer (to browse the web or for instance if something happened to me). Yes, I can log off, but that doesn't really help much. Using the browserhistory I can login again, without entering a password.

So my question is, can you make the cookies used last either a session or a fair bit longer than that instead of all eternity? Or at least give users the choice whether they wanna stay logged on every time they join again?



Similar topics: 1."Can't log out"   2.Come to the Dark Side!   3.Deletions,alexblue,monted and the admin,   4.Cookies   5.Clits, cookies and cunts  

New Comment

By #147052 at 18,Jan,12 15:46
Firefox has an option to erase all history and does a pretty through job. When I log off, my system is cleared of all cookies. Weekly maintenance of a computer is something everyone needs to do. It is just like your car, it needs regular attention.

By hytiger at 18,Jan,12 11:58 other posts of hytiger 
I'm assuming you are a windows user?
Set your browser to delete cookies & history every time it is closed.

If you have some basic knowledge of your browser, add this site & others like it to automatically delete cookies when you log out... simple & effective!

Use a proper browser, NOT internet explorer... nothing is EVER deleted from IE!

Why not setup multiple user accounts on your pc, so each person has their own password, & unless they have a little skill, can only access what you want them to?

Set up a password protected screensaver on your own account, so if you leave the computer to go to the toilet, answer the door etc, nobody can be nosy.

By admin at 17,Jan,12 21:41 other posts of admin 
Strange. I was sure I made auto-logout option here, yet I cannot find it. Probably it was for some other site...

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