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Are hairy girls more attractive to u?

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Started by #87645 at 24,Jan,12 02:37
The reason why I ask is bcuz I remember when I was younger I used to think a girl with a hairy pussy was nasty. But then I met my gf and she got me to change my opinion on it. Now I find it a huge turn on.

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New Comment

By #583549 at 29,Oct,19 22:36
I prefer a smooth shaven cock and pussy,but Everyone has a right too be hairy or shaven!

By hairypussywife at 29,Oct,19 21:51 other posts of hairypussywife 
Yes for sure I prefer a hairy pussy!!

By #164428 at 28,Jan,12 07:46
[deleted image]
By #247914 at 15,Jan,13 17:05
I have always loved and prefer a hairy wet pussy, and Steffi, yours is one that I would like and pleasure for days on end!!!

By Gntlmn at 13,Jan,13 18:24 other posts of Gntlmn 
hairy = best

By doedeldi at 13,Jan,13 10:26 other posts of doedeldi 
I prefer hairy girls.

By pornlover59 at 11,Jan,13 15:59 other posts of pornlover59 
i much prefer hairy!!and the hairier the better!

By Arlo at 10,Jan,13 14:16 other posts of Arlo 
Given a choice I like hairy pussy best, but all pussy is awesome. Wet and ready to swallow my hard cock, ladies keep it any way you like. I have, a few times, convinced my then current lover to grow her hair down there, if she normally shaved. Now going bald to hairy for me----that was a HUGE turn on.

By 8x6 at 01,Feb,12 12:39 other posts of 8x6 
Sorry but I fi d hair anywhere but on their head gross and disgusting. I once dated a girl that had so much hair on her pussy it actually blOcked my cock from entering her. That was disgusting. Even on myself I try to keep it clean. I think guys should at least keep the shaft clean.

By #205329 at 28,Jan,12 09:23
I really can't put my finger on which one I like bst..hairy or shaved....or even trimmed.. they are all very nice...

By #181785 at 27,Jan,12 01:46
I like to see a hairy pussy I like to eat a hairless I'll fuck either

By #1501 at 27,Jan,12 00:31
Yes... natural is adult, mature and best!

By #7976 at 25,Jan,12 02:35
Absolutely.. A big part of what makes a woman is the transformation from being a hairless adolescent to being a fully furred woman. Women who shave everything just look like little girls and I for one find that look unappealing. Show me a woman with a full bush and even armpit hair and I'll get stiff every time. The same woman without a hair to be seen is more or less a turn off.

By cockbot3000 at 25,Jan,12 02:13 other posts of cockbot3000 
I like smooth pussy but I also find hairy girls (pussy and elsewhere) very sexy

By slutfinder69 at 25,Jan,12 00:18 other posts of slutfinder69 
I like both but my preference would be hairy. There's something about a hairy pussy that gets me hard immediately!

By #147052 at 24,Jan,12 14:59
Love hairy and smooth, only if it is kept up. A side benefit with a hairy one is that you can floss after a meal!

By #218130 at 24,Jan,12 05:16
Like them any which way. Hairy or smooth. But I do agree there is something realy erotic about a hairy, natural pussy.

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