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did spanking as a kid effect u when your older??

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Started by #25830 at 18,Sep,09 07:57
im ust kinda wondering...

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By #27633 at 02,Sep,12 20:21
Only one that has affected me was being hit around the head when I was 11 years old for making too much noise washing a roasting pan ... even to this date I can still feel that hit but the times I actually did deserve it I have no recollection of. (That was the only time I was hit around the head)
By #286115 at 02,Sep,12 23:12
Beau that sounds a bit hard mate! - a whack round the head just for that? I understand why you would remember that. Couldn't they have just said - "hey Beau stop making so much noise with that or you'll break something", or something like that.

Unless of course, you'd been a naughty little asshole all day before that, or if it was the 3rd time you'd been asked to keep the racquet down.
By #27633 at 04,Sep,12 20:49
No warning ... old man was having issues with my mother and I was an easy target (thats how I see it any way) besides no parent ever has a right to hit a **** around the head!
By #286115 at 13,Sep,12 09:11
I get you on that. You got a whack for a transgression that you perhaps wouldn't normally get one for, just cause he was pissed off at your mum!
It would have been far worse though if he had hit your mother.
By #275302 at 13,Sep,12 10:21
Why is that far worse? I don't see how hitting an innocent **** is better than hitting a fully grown human, I'm sorry.
By #286115 at 14,Sep,12 04:33
When a parent smacks a c h i l d it's called discipline. Instant consequences for thieir actions. When a father smacks his wife it's called wife bashing. Very different.

Think about it, littlecUnt - youngbeau there watching his dad belting his mum. Besides the trauma of what he saw at the time, it would set an example for him in the future.

He wasn't exactly innocent; he did say he had been making too much noise. Not something warranting a smack around the head though - I agree with you there. Hitting an innocent k i d definitely IS c h i l d a b u s e!

My kids got threatened with a whack by me when they were younger, & they knew I meant it. It pretty much always pulled them into line, & they would never 'backchat' either. I never enjoyed hitting them ever.

Look around you, we have a whole generation of kids who respect no one.
By #27633 at 16,Sep,12 06:57
I was innocent!!! I was washing the dishes and the dish was hitting the side of the sink while I was scrubbing it ... how is that a transgression and how is it punishable?

Justifying abuse by calling it discipline is absolute bullshit. Dont get me wrong there are times I was spanked for things I actually did wrong but the most violent offence was for doing chores

By #27633 at 14,Sep,12 12:13
I dont quite understand that... you think it is better to smack an 11 yr old **** around than a grown woman?
By #27633 at 14,Sep,12 12:16
And I was washing dishes and the roasting pan was hitting the side of the sink as I was washing it ... hardly a punishable offence ... I remember the incident as clearly as if it happened yesterday right down to what I was wearing at the time

By #218130 at 15,Sep,12 11:50
Spanking at High School with a cane, everyday, for not doing home work etc had a negative impact on me and my studies. Made me loose interest in certain subjects, made me more rebelious etc. They thought they could solve all problems with the cane.

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