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Women who initiate chat...

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Started by #205329 at 11,Feb,12 07:00
...are there many women on here who initiate chat with others? Guys in-particular. Just wondering if women kind of sit back and let the guys come to them since there is such a number difference between guys and girls.

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New Comment

By #59855 at 11,Feb,12 20:49
From Matt's Wife: If I have time I will but only with friends.
By #205329 at 12,Feb,12 04:51
Thanks, I was talking more about initiating chat with people to whom you've never spoken to before. Just coming across some one's page or photos, and striking up a conversation, or trying to.
By #59855 at 12,Feb,12 21:32
From Matt's Wife: I know what you were talking about. Think about it.......I don't need to
By #205329 at 13,Feb,12 05:18
I think I understand what your saying, but it's different for guys, different for me at least. Might not be for all guys.

By #5532 at 11,Feb,12 20:43
I'm certain they exist.
By #205329 at 12,Feb,12 04:52
Me too, but I think they're few and far between. I could be wrong though..

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