Here is a very common line I get (and so do other women on this site, we do chat you know): I am going to put my dick in you and make you cum....I am going to like your pussy and make you cum. Gents, it does not actually work that way for most of us women (there are exceptions), our orgasms belong to us. Yes, we can make you cum (suck you off, fuck you, a hand job), but then again a light breeze will give you an erection too. We really for the most part think of it as you are helping us to cum, sharing our orgasms, not making us cum. We can make ourselves cum, but statistically only about 25% of women always reach orgasm all of the time, another 25% almost never reach climax, the remaining women are all over the place. While most men can cum most anytime - anywhere, most women do not, we need some mental stimulation as well. The "get us in the mood" syndrome.

You just gave away the secretest of lines that women totally fall for. >.>
I'd go for, "go get your Hitachi magic wand and make yourself cum. "
Messy. >.>
I'm super picky myself though, and I've gone through boot camp on a military base. Maybe pickyness and lots of men in uniforms are connected. :o
Yeah... I had that luck twice in a row... Oahu, HI, where there are like 2 Army Bases, 2 Air Forcе, 1 Marine and 1 Navy base... oh yeah.... and Ft Hood, TX... That's just the army, but they are so freaking hot... and VARIETY... oh my...
I'm mostly picky about 5 things about military men, considering, that they are all fit and clean cut,
1. Tall (over 6', but the taller, the better)
2. Smart (capable of writing an email that makes sense and clearly communicates intentions and desires)
3. Hung (what can I do, I love me a big cock)
4. Got a copy of their last physical with all the blооd work and STD testing
5. Available for the weekend, and doesn't have a dog, a cat, or a сhild to feed...
If they manage to be 420 friendly, some of them smoke everyday and get away with it... it's a plus.
I have to talk my husband into moving out of this little town... not a single hot guy to look at.... had to stock up on some more dildos...
I don't pretend to be the best at it, and I'm full of insecurities (as most men are). I'm not huge, but I'm by no means small. Still, I have insecurities about that. I don't want to be lied to. If I'm not floating your boat, tell me, show me, guide me, teach me. I'd rather learn how to please you than leave you unfulfilled and bored.
It's also worth noting that her clit is on the OUTSIDE and her G-spot isn't very far inside. I's probably going to come as a shock to many men. Truth is, you barely need to have a penis to stimulate her, so stop telling her how hard you're gonna fuck her.
Guys: find out what she likes. It's that simple. It'll last longer, and it'll give you so much more of a thrill to watch her eyes genuinely roll back in her head when you get it right!
The true sexual organ is between one's ears, either male or female. If you haven't stimulated a woman's interest she may or may not cum but a truly mind blowing orgasm comes from a combination of foreplay, experience, and knowing how to read a woman's reactions to your lovemaking and modify it to her desires.
It should also be noted that not all women cum from vaginal insertion, at least with a penis attached to a man. Everyone is different and everyone needs to have their partner find their favorite erogenous zones and concentrate on stimulating them; even if it's through active foreplay, conversation, or external touch.
As for the comments by men to women, I would like to believe that what they mean is that they would "like" to feel you cum from their ability to fuck a women. Although, the macho in many, if not most, males surely makes them believe they can make any woman cum.
Either way, I prefer to pose the comment to a woman in a slightly different manner. I like to say that I'd love to make love to a woman and make love to her till she is satisfied. Many women I've been with prefer to cum orally, digitally, or in rare cases, anally or by touching other erogenous places on their bodies. If that's how they prefer to be satisfied, hey, that's perfectly OK by me. The pleasure is in the journey, it's only punctuated by one's orgasm.
In the end, she's satisfied and so am I. Sometimes it's a short interval between beginning and end and sometimes it's an all night affair but either way, truly tactile, sensual, erotic sex is fantastic.