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Guys, listen up for a little advice from a woman

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Started by #5532 at 27,Sep,11 19:06
Here is a very common line I get (and so do other women on this site, we do chat you know): I am going to put my dick in you and make you cum....I am going to like your pussy and make you cum. Gents, it does not actually work that way for most of us women (there are exceptions), our orgasms belong to us. Yes, we can make you cum (suck you off, fuck you, a hand job), but then again a light breeze will give you an erection too. We really for the most part think of it as you are helping us to cum, sharing our orgasms, not making us cum. We can make ourselves cum, but statistically only about 25% of women always reach orgasm all of the time, another 25% almost never reach climax, the remaining women are all over the place. While most men can cum most anytime - anywhere, most women do not, we need some mental stimulation as well. The "get us in the mood" syndrome.

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By #301038 at 18,Feb,13 16:09
Hitachi Magic Wand is a guaranteed orgasm! 100 out of 100.... as long as the power is on!
By #316044 at 18,Feb,13 20:42
"I am going to press a Hitachi Magic Wand against your pussy and make you cum"?

You just gave away the secretest of lines that women totally fall for. >.>
By #301038 at 18,Feb,13 20:54
... doesn't work in virtual world...

I'd go for, "go get your Hitachi magic wand and make yourself cum. "
By #316044 at 18,Feb,13 20:57
Wonder if any of those guys who tell people they'll put their penis near and/or in them, thinks that it will actually magically work somehow. o.o
By #301038 at 18,Feb,13 21:45
I won't let majority of guys on here, near me... I'm a very picky fucker... there is a long list and I've been spoiled by a huge variety to choose from... try living next to the biggest military base in US. All men are fit, well groomed, clean as a whistle and horny as fuck... mmm... now imagine a dude in his prime who haven't seen a naked female in over a year... mmm... we'd fuck through the whole weekend with short brakes for food and sleеp...
By #316044 at 18,Feb,13 22:15
Hmm, that's some mental image. ^.^

Messy. >.>

I'm super picky myself though, and I've gone through boot camp on a military base. Maybe pickyness and lots of men in uniforms are connected. :o
By #301038 at 19,Feb,13 00:01
yeah... they come out pretty hot after basic training, but I think they are even hotter after deployment, especially if they had a gym out there...

Yeah... I had that luck twice in a row... Oahu, HI, where there are like 2 Army Bases, 2 Air Forcе, 1 Marine and 1 Navy base... oh yeah.... and Ft Hood, TX... That's just the army, but they are so freaking hot... and VARIETY... oh my...

I'm mostly picky about 5 things about military men, considering, that they are all fit and clean cut,

1. Tall (over 6', but the taller, the better)

2. Smart (capable of writing an email that makes sense and clearly communicates intentions and desires)

3. Hung (what can I do, I love me a big cock)

4. Got a copy of their last physical with all the blооd work and STD testing

5. Available for the weekend, and doesn't have a dog, a cat, or a сhild to feed...

If they manage to be 420 friendly, some of them smoke everyday and get away with it... it's a plus.

I have to talk my husband into moving out of this little town... not a single hot guy to look at.... had to stock up on some more dildos...
By #310543 at 24,Jul,13 07:07
Women like you are the reason I'm still a virgin.
By WristThick at 29,Jul,13 05:17 other posts of WristThick 
This is NOT the site to gain sexual confidence on if you're a virgin!!! A lot of the cocks here are MUCH larger than average and most of the girls here have sex drives and standards that are WAY above the norm. That's enough to drive the average man away, let alone a guy who's less than 4 inches hard. I mean seriously!

By DJS at 24,Jul,13 08:21 other posts of DJS 
Don't tar all guys with the same brush. We are all not in that category, And yes some of us understand what it takes to turn a woman on and I don't mean buying her 1/2 larger & a kebab,& we all heard of the various %/statistics that you mentioned. Me personally I treat ladies on here as I would in the real world, A Pint of lager & 2kebabs

By #408904 at 24,Jul,13 04:59
Lately, it hard to cum with the guy there. He distracts me and is too meme demanding to climax. I just wait til the man leaves and do it myself. So frustrating.
By **FlyingCum** at 24,Jul,13 06:46 other posts of **FlyingCum** 
I have to agree with you on this one, I've been guilty of doing the same thing lately.

By #81191 at 18,Feb,13 21:24
In real life yes the OP is right while in the virtual its very different and mostly all for fun. There are some women on here that that go with the virtual world in all its anonymity. Of course you know that in real it can take a whole evening to get a woman to reach orgasm that is multiple gaining extra intensity each time.

By pifad at 18,Feb,13 19:29 other posts of pifad 
No thanks. I prefer men!

By #5532 at 12,Oct,11 05:54
And sometimes a good, quick, heat of the moment get your dick out and into my pussy right now is a great thing too.
By #172995 at 16,Oct,11 18:55
Like in the kitchen, dining or living room!!!! Variety is the spice of life.

By #196908 at 12,Oct,11 06:49
In general terms, I agree with our original poster. A lot of men think they control it. I, for one, am more interested in seeing the pleasure I helped create. When I'm with a woman, I want nothing more than to please her, because it is such a turn on.

I don't pretend to be the best at it, and I'm full of insecurities (as most men are). I'm not huge, but I'm by no means small. Still, I have insecurities about that. I don't want to be lied to. If I'm not floating your boat, tell me, show me, guide me, teach me. I'd rather learn how to please you than leave you unfulfilled and bored.

It's also worth noting that her clit is on the OUTSIDE and her G-spot isn't very far inside. I's probably going to come as a shock to many men. Truth is, you barely need to have a penis to stimulate her, so stop telling her how hard you're gonna fuck her.

Guys: find out what she likes. It's that simple. It'll last longer, and it'll give you so much more of a thrill to watch her eyes genuinely roll back in her head when you get it right!

By #172995 at 11,Oct,11 21:23
The sexiest organ in the human body is the brain. Women like to be romanced, courted and wooed. Women want to be appreciated as being unique and special. Lots of gentle verbal and physical foreplay before intercourse. Lots of intimacy, holding and cuddling in the afterglow. Too many men think with their dicks and not with their brains.

By johnp at 11,Oct,11 21:04 other posts of johnp 
Guess I hit a nerve! And no my dick is nothing special I've found my tongue gets the job done quite well though!

By johnp at 11,Oct,11 03:13 other posts of johnp 
Ya no offense but u kinda sound like a man hateing lesbian.

By #59855 at 05,Oct,11 03:57
From Matt's Wife: Ok we were at a swing club a few months ago and we met a single guy that I was very attracted to. He was very fit and confident and well mannered. We all chatted for a while and then Matt and I told him we were going to go find a room and play. If he wanted to he could join. He was the best single male we have ever run across while swinging, between him and Matt I was very satisfied in every way. That man put me first and my sexual needs. After a few hours he asked for permission to cum. He didn't want to dissappoint me. Learn guys!!

By #7976 at 28,Sep,11 22:54
Excellent point. "Making a Woman Cum" requires a lot more than inserting one's penis inside a woman's vagina. It takes work, which can also be truly pleasurable, but the physical act is just the stimulus.

The true sexual organ is between one's ears, either male or female. If you haven't stimulated a woman's interest she may or may not cum but a truly mind blowing orgasm comes from a combination of foreplay, experience, and knowing how to read a woman's reactions to your lovemaking and modify it to her desires.

It should also be noted that not all women cum from vaginal insertion, at least with a penis attached to a man. Everyone is different and everyone needs to have their partner find their favorite erogenous zones and concentrate on stimulating them; even if it's through active foreplay, conversation, or external touch.

As for the comments by men to women, I would like to believe that what they mean is that they would "like" to feel you cum from their ability to fuck a women. Although, the macho in many, if not most, males surely makes them believe they can make any woman cum.

Either way, I prefer to pose the comment to a woman in a slightly different manner. I like to say that I'd love to make love to a woman and make love to her till she is satisfied. Many women I've been with prefer to cum orally, digitally, or in rare cases, anally or by touching other erogenous places on their bodies. If that's how they prefer to be satisfied, hey, that's perfectly OK by me. The pleasure is in the journey, it's only punctuated by one's orgasm.

By #5532 at 29,Sep,11 12:29
BP....this is why you are one of my favorite men on this site. Just this morning I got another one of those Pms that read "I wnat to suck your clit harder and harder until you scream with pleasure". And another: "I want to put my monster cock in you and fuck you hard and deep until you cum"...those attitudes are going to do nothing in helping me (or most other women) to orgasm.
By #7976 at 29,Sep,11 23:34
I was always into foreplay with the women I've been with; perhaps because I always had a rock solid hard on but don't cum easily. I truly enjoy playing with a woman's body, finding her erogenous places and bringing her to a state of near satisfaction and then move on to intercourse. By that time, she's ready for to fuck me rather than me fucking her.

In the end, she's satisfied and so am I. Sometimes it's a short interval between beginning and end and sometimes it's an all night affair but either way, truly tactile, sensual, erotic sex is fantastic.

By boc at 29,Sep,11 01:27 other posts of boc 
You've got to be kidding. I am the best lover ever, I am a regular Don Juan DeMarco. I have turned lesbians around.

By #160779 at 27,Sep,11 23:34
Hear!Hear! Totally agree with you. Too many of us men are too focused on themselves. The biggest sex organ is after the brain!
By #190275 at 28,Sep,11 00:09
"We can make ourselves cum" I belive men have been proven to do this as well. Apparently the evidence is quite strong!
By #5532 at 28,Sep,11 18:25
Yes, men can do that. My point being that most any man can be made, as it were, to cum. If he were to get his cock sucked on he would more than likely cum. With women however, just because we are getting fingered, clits sucked, or screwed does not mean that our partner is just going to make us cum. Masturbation is not held solely or in the majority of either gender.
By #190275 at 28,Sep,11 21:20
Irony is easily misunderstood, in written medium. It was just some silly joke, not to be taken seriously. You are completly right in what you wrote

By #3997 at 28,Sep,11 03:10
Very well put, my wife and I we cum together
By #5532 at 28,Sep,11 04:55
Perfect. But then I have always known you have the right mind for a lover
By #3997 at 28,Sep,11 19:45
Well thank you, and you are for sure one of the true ladies on this site.

By #59855 at 27,Sep,11 21:06
From Matt's Wife: Great thread luv

By #107983 at 27,Sep,11 20:25
Well said

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