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How to ask a friend to compare cocks?

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Started by jackthestripper at 18,Jul,15 18:43  other posts of jackthestripper
If you have compared cock size with friends, how did you ask/initiate? If you haven't, how would you ask/initiate?

Similar topics: 1.Let compare cocks   2.DICK JOKE: Ron White   3.friends dad   4.Let's compare our soft cocks   5.Compare Cocks  

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By spermkiss at 19,Jul,15 18:29 other posts of spermkiss 
A delicate situation because of the gay overtones that make a LOT of straight men uncomfortable.

But the truth is that ALL MEN like to show off their dicks to other men and ALL MEN like to look at other men's dicks. Not just gay men. So comparing cocks should be a natural. So should jacking off with buddies. Let's face it, ALL MEN jack off. It's a normal part of male sexuality. Jacking off alone is fun, but jacking off with friends is better.

Perhaps the best way would be to invite them over to watch porn. Once the action on the screen starts, whip it out and start jacking. Just don't be embarrassed or ashamed about doing this. Act as though it were the completely normal and natural thing to do (which it is). Once you get the ball rolling (so to speak) they'll join in.
By bella! at 19,Jul,15 19:05 other posts of bella! 
spermkiss, I've always felt that your posts offer good advice and good information so with that said, I will ask you this......

"ALL MEN like to show off their dicks to other men and ALL MEN like to look at other men's dicks. Not just gay men. So comparing cocks should be a natural. So should jacking off with buddies. Let's face it, ALL MEN jack off. It's a normal part of male sexuality."

Why do you think that that is true? What is it about men that makes them like this? I have female friends and we don't think about comparing boobs. Yes, I have a friend that's had breast enhancement and she showed 3 of us her boob job when everything was healed. It really amazes me that men truly are from Mars.....
By spermkiss at 19,Jul,15 21:59 other posts of spermkiss 
Damn! I just typed out a somewhat lengthy reply but it didn't post. Then it just disappeared into the ether. This is not the first time this has happened here on SYD. Has anyone else run into this?

Right now I've got chores to do. I'll try again later.
--------------------------------------- added after 47 hours

OK, let's try again. I hope I can remember what I said.

So why do men like showing off their dicks and like looking at other men's dicks? One reason is that the penis is a totally honest organ. It is impossible to fake an erection and impossible to fake an ejaculation. When we see sperm squirting from a hard penis we know it's the real thing.
--------------------------------------- added after 47 hours

I'll do this one paragraph at a time so the system doesn't bog down. Where was I? Oh, yes.

Consider porn. One or more erect penises is absolutely essential in porn. All porn, gay and straight. That's what the viewers want to see. The viewers of gay porn (most of which are gay men) cannot get enough of hard dicks. So the producers give them what they want.
--------------------------------------- added after 47 hours

The viewers of straight porn (most of which are straight men) also want to see one (or more) hard dick(s). They want to see that dick or those dicks pumping in and out of the orifice(s). But the actors virtually always withdraw for the orgasmic climax. Why? Because the viewers want to see the sperm squirt. Remember, these viewers are mostly straight men. BUT THEY WANT TO SEE THE SPERM SQUIRT OF THE HARD COCK. There's a reason the ejaculation is called the "money shot" in porn. There is also an urban legend that if the actor doesn't ejaculate on camera he doesn't get paid.
--------------------------------------- added after 47 hours

Perhaps you've heard the old rhetorical question "Do women dress to impress men or to impress other women?" Generally men (except for gay men) don't notice what women are wearing. But other women do.
--------------------------------------- added after 47 hours

Damn! It happened again! But at least it was only one paragraph this time.

A related question concerning men is "When men wear snug fitting pants with an obvious bulge in the crotch, are they doing it to impress women or other men?" Straight men might think they are doing it to impress women, but most women don't notice. But other men do. ALL men, even straight men. ESPECIALLY straight men. The bottom line is that guys check out each other's crotches. It's a guy thing.
--------------------------------------- added after 47 hours

So I've kind rambled on here and I'm not sure I've answered your question "Why do [I] think that that is true?" But I hope this information is useful. If you've got any more questions, just ask. If I don't know the answer I'll make one up.
By bella! at 21,Jul,15 23:31 other posts of bella! 
Thank you for the response, spermkiss! I wish my response could have been an audio response, your last sentence had me laughing!

"If you've got any more questions, just ask. If I don't know the answer I'll make one up."

The points that you've made make sense to me. I think, for the most part, men are highly competitive creatures so although some men will say that they are not interested in checking out another guy's dick, a vast majority does. Come to think about it, it always seems to be that the male dogs want to sniff crotches, the female dogs have better manners.
By spermkiss at 21,Jul,15 23:49 other posts of spermkiss 
" are highly competitive creatures..." as you said " truly are from Mars..."

By leopoldij at 20,Jul,15 20:12 other posts of leopoldij 
I can verify that not all men like to show their cocks to other men. I don't!
By spermkiss at 21,Jul,15 00:15 other posts of spermkiss 
Then why are you showing your dick on this site?
By leopoldij at 21,Jul,15 03:17 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm sorry, let me clarify what I meant: I meant that, in real life, I don't like to show my dick to men. But I love showing to women.
By spermkiss at 22,Jul,15 15:44 other posts of spermkiss 
And I suppose I should clarify. When I said all men like showing off their dicks and all men like looking at other men's dicks I was making a very broad generalization. I fully realize there are exceptions. There always are.
By leopoldij at 22,Jul,15 15:51 other posts of leopoldij 
Actually, for me, I don't mind showing my dick as long as there's a woman present. If the woman shows interest in seeing another man wank me, for instance, I'll go for it. But if I'm alone with a man I lose interest. As for watching other men on the Internet, I think that most men identify themselves with those men. So, for example, if they watch a man shooting his load on a woman's face, then it's like experiencing the ejaculating themselves.
By spermkiss at 23,Jul,15 15:29 other posts of spermkiss 
Of course you are right. When a heterosexual man watches heterosexual porn he is putting himself in the place of the man in the porn. When he sees the ejaculation he is experiencing that ejaculation vicariously and imagining experiencing it himself. Or perhaps not just imagining. He might be bringing himself to climax along with the actor.

You've also touched on the subject of group sex involving one women and multiple men. This is a major genre in straight porn, so it must satisfy a fantasy for a lot of straight men. And why not? The camaraderie of having a sexual encounter with one's buddies has a lot of appeal. To witness their orgasmic climaxes and have them witness yours promotes true bonding.
By leopoldij at 23,Jul,15 15:46 other posts of leopoldij 
Exactly. Why not? The only answer to this is that there are artificial boundaries imposed by our stupid societal rules. We only live once though. And pleasure is one of the advantages of being human, as opposed, say , to being a rock.

By #6568 at 19,Jul,15 22:34
.....Maybe not quite ALL men like to show to other men.....I have a tiny one like a boys when soft so nothing to show off! It only becomes 'interesting' when it's hard and that make casual 'showing' a bit difficult!
By spermkiss at 20,Jul,15 19:09 other posts of spermkiss 
Several points.

First and foremost, your dick is not tiny. It may be on the small side of average, but it's far from a micro penis. Calling it "... a tiny one like a boys..." simply isn't true.

Secondly, you seem to be doing just fine in the photo you posted in May, 09. There you are with your sweat pants pushed down exposing your soft dick and looking sexy as all get out.

Thirdly, no matter what size dick a man has, from a micro to and average size to a super jumbo, YOU CAN BE SURE THERE ARE OTHERS WHO WANT TO SEE THAT DICK.

So even if you did have a micro, so what? You can be sure others want to see it. A prime example is member lahbr on this very site. He has a micro which he delights in showing and his photos often make it to the Most Popular page.

By leopoldij at 23,Jul,15 22:47 other posts of leopoldij 
I'm only uncomfortable due to the small size of my cock. Otherwise I'd have no problem
By spermkiss at 25,Jul,15 16:21 other posts of spermkiss 
The comments I made to oldbugle also apply to you.

Yes, you are on the small side of average, but you definitely do not have a micro.

And even if you did, so what. There are thousands (yes, thousands, maybe tens of thousands) of men with micro penises who proudly put them on display. There are dozens of web sites devoted to small penises. One of my favorites is Dick Shorter. Visit there and start following the links to other sites.

By #494638 at 24,Jul,15 03:16
What if nobody else whips it out? Could be a rough situation to say the least!
By spermkiss at 25,Jul,15 16:12 other posts of spermkiss 
The operant words in your comment are "could be". Yes, if you'd be embarrassed or ashamed about having your dick out and jacking with others around and watching and not joining in. But if you view masturbation as a normal, healthy and wholesome activity, WHICH IT IS, and which need not be done in private but can be enjoyed with friends, then jacking off with friends, whether or not they join in, is totally normal. Just enjoy giving them a good jack off show.

By leopoldij at 23,Jul,15 22:42 other posts of leopoldij 
I've never asked because I know I'd lose. But if I did, I'd say this: "hey, I think most men have bigger cock than mine. Wanna with yours ?"

By veryshyguy at 19,Jul,15 19:58 other posts of veryshyguy 
Never have! Never will! And I'm getting to old to care!
By #491253 at 19,Jul,15 21:24
Oh no. You're never too old. Go on. Compare it with someone. Could be fun

By #460403 at 18,Jul,15 18:46
I never did and wouldn't like to but I guess gor you it could go as something like, you go to the swimming pool or the gym together and while showering you can throw a nohomo comment about penises in general and take it up from there
By jackthestripper at 18,Jul,15 18:52 other posts of jackthestripper 
Thank you

By spermkiss at 19,Jul,15 18:32 other posts of spermkiss 
Good idea. Jack off in the shower at the gym. The truth is that after a workout most men would like to finish up by exercising their love muscle. Show them that it's perfectly OK by exercising yours.

By palunko at 19,Jul,15 17:55 other posts of palunko 
I did it but we where horny teenagers exploring our bodies and all about sexuality I guess.. anyway, we use to watch porn movies and siting on sofa jerking off, so it is natural, if you have eyes, to see your friend that seats near you... then we of course compare it to see who is bigger... btw I was 14,15 yo my friend one year older, there was few other occasions like that with other friend of mine ... But now, when I am older I really have no idea how I would initiate it hehe, maybe the best way is to get drunk with your friend for a start

By #491615 at 19,Jul,15 06:06
Never have. With My friends it would be a Sure way to get Punched in the face !!
By jackthestripper at 19,Jul,15 16:25 other posts of jackthestripper 

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