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no pics ? no entry

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Started by #22287 at 23,Sep,09 01:40
I think the person who runs this site should limit the people on here to those who actually post a pic or ten. So many have no pics and they really don't have a right to be on here in my opinion.

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By #3997 at 21,Nov,09 02:00
Like myself I have posted plenty of my pics but decided to take mine down and still enjoy the site, but the thing is i can always provide pics if someone requested and can always have my friends on my list verify that they are mine, some create profiles for enjoy pics, but those that make comments as anonymous i can not respect them, cause most of them are rude and don't care the ones that have profiles at least they did that
By boy at 23,Nov,09 22:54 other posts of boy 
May I ask you why you removed your pics? As far as I can remember they were quite hot!

By #28707 at 11,Nov,09 00:04
As a relatively new SYD particpant I agree that those who don't post ought to be removed, but not immediately. It took me several weeks to get my own camera, learn to use it and then figure out how to post pics. I know those of you who find all that elementary may not understand the difficulty, but some of us old guys are not very techno comfortable, have no real experience with such things and usually screw them up several times before the light goes on. I can tell you that those of you who are willing to help new guys get it all figured out and operational are great and I, for one, appreciated the assistance given.
By boy at 11,Nov,09 00:22 other posts of boy 
Hi dreason! When the age you tell us in your profile is really correct, I can only congratulate you. Your pics are great and I know many guys your age who even don't know how to switch on a PC.
Keep on posting!

By #24684 at 23,Sep,09 17:25
The anon profiles don't really bother me much. I'm more bothered by the people who create profiles and upload porn from the internet and those pictures over running all the actual members who do post their own pictures. This process bumps off members that have posted pictures of only themselves off the popular pages and other categories.

If there was a way for us members to flag these profiles as spam and filter them so we don't see their pictures that would be great.
By admin at 23,Sep,09 17:48 other posts of admin 
That is a reasonable demand. I'll see what I can do.

By admin at 23,Sep,09 16:33 other posts of admin 
Guys, I still fail to see the problem. What I see here mostly is "I go to see their pics and get frustrated when I see nothing". IF this is the only problem - I can add a small mark to each nick, indicating that no pics has been uploaded by that member or vice versa - I can attach a mark to those who uploaded some pics.

What else? Do members without pics leave abusive comments? Do they molest you in private? In public chat? What?

By admin at 23,Sep,09 13:58 other posts of admin 
I would like to understand what really annoys you in members who do not post pics.

If you expect that when I put restrictions on them they will start posting their pics - it's not gonna happen. I mean, I can do that indeed, but if they do not want to post pics, they will not, no matter what.

Besides that I fail to see what can be a problem. You do not like to receive comments and private messages from members without pics? Because as viewers they are almost no different from unregistered members who can view most of your pics.

I can do a separate mode for uploads like "for members with pics only", though it's quite hard now, but I can do this. And I can do an option to block members without pics to write comments on your pages and send pms to you. But honestly, I doubt that many of you will use these features, because you will get less attention this way, and this is what you come here for - for attention to your pics/personalities.
By #22287 at 23,Sep,09 13:59
It's just that the meaning of the site's name is being lost somewhere here.
By admin at 23,Sep,09 15:59 other posts of admin 
Well, I started this site when I noticed that men seem to like showing their dicks off on one image host I ran. But as more people were joining in I had to do much more than just ability to post pics here. Forum, private messages, chat, country and age profiling, video uploads - that all was made on members demands and quite contrary to the initial idea of the site. It shifted quite towards dating site, where people not just post their pics, but meet and comunicate, some even managed to meet in real life and have sex - something I did not think about at all when started this site, but I'm glad it worked out for them this way.

If I kept too close to the initial idea, I guess you would not be having that much fun here today

By #10886 at 23,Sep,09 11:21
There are those who do not post pics, but are active in other ways. I agree that they should be allowed to stay, since they do contribute to the site. Not having photos posted should not, in and of itself, be a factor for membership. Perhaps someone out there can donate some ram to help fd out!
By MoeJoe at 23,Sep,09 11:24 other posts of MoeJoe 
If I could, I would do a photo shoot with him, and take enough pics to keep him going for a year!

By #10886 at 23,Sep,09 08:34
I think that some folks are just checking the site out, creating a profile so they can get into chat and view photos. I have noticed that many of them soon post and become regular site participants. The restrictions placed on anonymouses (anonymice?) has reduced the annoyance level a lot. Lets give 'em a chance to be comfortable and make friends.
By MoeJoe at 23,Sep,09 09:04 other posts of MoeJoe 
I suggested the other day that a person should have a time frame within which to post pics, if at the end of that time frame they have not posted andything, then they are expired. I'm not looking to create headaches for the Admin...I understand his position, but it is annoying to have so many non-posters around. We all like to show our cocks, but we get equal enjoyment out of viewing others.

By admin at 23,Sep,09 05:17 other posts of admin 
It's quite pointless for several reasons, like, for example, anyone can take a pic from the net and upload it as his, but if you desire so, I can make an option - to do not show your profile and pics to the members who have not uploaded any pics.

What I do not understand is that 2 of 3 members who write in this topic do not even upload their pics "for members only". I.e. you show your pics to everyone, including those who are not even members and yet you do not wish members without pics to be on site? What's your point?

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