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Is the image outside the mirror alien and unappealing?

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Started by #187578 at 19,Feb,12 07:08
All dicks aren't equal and in my opinion some are actually quite unappealing and I've noticed that I have a natural affinity for dicks that mirror my own so the question is do you favor dicks that remind you of your own? do you only find the features of your dick attractive?

Similar topics: 1.mirror masturbation   2.Mirror Pics   3.Me shooting a big load on the mirror   4.mirror pix !!!   5.Mirror Maturbate  

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By RealTitsLover at 11,May,17 10:50 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Yes, but I honestly believe that big, thick, cut, smooth, nice-looking cocks (when I can't see them attached to a dude) with little to no hair would appeal to me regardless...

By leopoldij at 10,May,17 02:45 other posts of leopoldij 
I have a natural affinity for pussies rather. I'm only considering my dick as a tool for penetrating them.
By #485312 at 11,May,17 07:52
l think most dicks are hot, love seeing them in their natural environment and love seeing what theyre attached too, *Lix*

By #510483 at 09,May,17 20:12
Honestly, I think my dick is nice-looking, but I tend to really be more into ones that are noticeably different from my own. I'm cut, so I find foreskins intriguing. I'm on the large side of average, so cocks that are fairly bigger Or smaller than mine catch my attention more often.

Overall, I like any dick attached to a guy I enjoy, but it's the differences that really get me going.

By #363802 at 08,May,17 16:20
No, I don't like cocks that look like mine, I only like BIG dicks! Those are the ones that I'm attracted to!

By #149276 at 20,Nov,13 20:19
I find my dick attractive! thank you for asking

By #176976 at 22,Feb,12 16:01
must say, the mirror thing works for me... also, because i am cut, i personally dont like dicks with foreskin...
By #187578 at 22,Feb,12 22:48
They can look a little out of this world but all in all there ok with me not all of them but some are ok

By MoeJoe at 22,Feb,12 11:27 other posts of MoeJoe 
I like most all cock sizes, shapes, color etc....but every now and then I run across one that is very similar to mine and it's a bit of hot turn on!
By #187578 at 22,Feb,12 22:46
Lol then you must love the mirror

By slipper at 20,Feb,12 01:01 other posts of slipper 
By #187578 at 22,Feb,12 07:15
I asked like 3 different question which are you replying to ?
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 22,Feb,12 15:47 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
i'll tell you how I see it...
I really enjoy seeing one that I think looks just like mine. Even better, if I comment them and they return a comment that they agree!!! Makes me fantasize that when I stroke mine and they theirs, like we have the other in hand because they look alike!
Then again, I also like to see most any kind! I guess when I was younger it was impossible for me to admit this to anyone. But, as I mature, I realize that penis are sexy. Not the same attraction I have for women, but sexy and a turn on! I think most people would agree if they were truly honest with themselves and gave it a chance. I do like to see dicks, and yours looks great! Hell, why do guys watch porn if they don't want to see a cock? After all, isn't the ultimate shot usually the point when cum shoots from a hard cock after having been pumping in a beautiful pussy, a sexy mouth, or even a hand? In fact, probably 80% of porno is actually focused on the penis, not the pussy! And we love it!
I like large and small. Soft and hard. Shaved and hairy. I do tend to like very well trimmed or totally shaved more, it seems; but that is probably because I like the way my own feels and looks to myself better that way. I have not had personal experience with one other than my own since I really began to experience females at about 16, but would like to soon. I guess it is a change in view and acceptance of the beauty of others.
Answering your questions, it depends on the fantasy at the time and how you feel about yourself at the moment.
What do you think of that?
By BALLZDIXNCLITZ at 22,Feb,12 15:50 other posts of BALLZDIXNCLITZ 
But...... there are some that really are not attractive, even ugly! Not many, just every now and then one really is u-appealing and I wouldn't want anything to do with it!
By #187578 at 22,Feb,12 22:45
thank you for you insightful opinion I really enjoyed reading both of your comments

By #183935 at 20,Feb,12 00:27
on the whole, i think you're probably right. there is the odd exception, but most of the dicks i like are similar to mine
By #187578 at 22,Feb,12 07:14
I just thought the guy who's dick im utterly repulsed by could be looking at mine and be thinking the same thing I was just thinking am I the only one who feels that way

By #61033 at 19,Feb,12 07:23
I have often thought about this and generally agree with your sentiment. I have noticed that the majority of those who compliment me are very similar to me. This does not prevent me from complimenting those who I find interestingly different to myself.
By #187578 at 19,Feb,12 09:18
There is this dude on here that really likes my dick but im not attracted to his dick because it's the exact opposite of my own and I was just curious as to wheather I only didn't like it because of that fact and was I the only one who felt this way and had this preference to dicks that look similar to mine honestly those that don't look like mine I find so alien I actually view them as being ugly or even deformed but the concept that those guys
could feel the same way was just mind boggling thanx for your in put

By #187578 at 19,Feb,12 07:15
I find it very hard to except the physical appearance of other mens penis because they look nothing like my own however those that look similar to my own really turn me own and I prefer those that look like mine

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