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Points..who has the most??

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Started by #205329 at 22,Feb,12 06:20
I just came across a member who hasn't any pics but has about 2337 points. They also don't have much else on their page. Any thoughts? BTW< who has the most points on here?

Similar topics: 1.Points log   2.Total Points?   3.FOR ADMIN - THOSE POINTS AGAIN   4.Small addition for paid members   5.Points Changes  

New Comment

By #164428 at 22,Feb,12 07:49
I have the least--zero. If anyone would care to donate, I'd appreciate it!
By #201155 at 22,Feb,12 08:06
I just went to try and do just that, but I have only 59 points, and apparently I need 150 before I can give any away! I'll send you a gift instead
By #164428 at 22,Feb,12 08:50
You're so sweet, Honey! Thank you for the kiss!
By #201155 at 22,Feb,12 09:31
I just wish I could do it for real, Mistress

By #205329 at 22,Feb,12 08:10
I'll make another donation Steffi. Sort of a liquid gold you might say..

By #68656 at 22,Feb,12 06:40
I have also been intrigued by the same matter, it will be interesting to read any replies and information.
By #205329 at 22,Feb,12 06:42
Thanks, at least I'm not alone..

Adult Discussion Forum