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micropenis role

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Started by #178642 at 25,Feb,12 16:31
is a bottom role, the only role that we, the micropenis men , have to enjoy sex?

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New Comment

By slipper at 27,Feb,12 06:06 other posts of slipper 
NO!!! Use your imagination--LOTS of other options. Many simply adore small and such are often highly sought after. Note the small cock group here!

By bigone21 at 26,Feb,12 22:10 other posts of bigone21 
as a gay man, i would say: nothing wrong with your hands and tongue is it?? i have had sex with guys that couldn't get it hard, no problem! after i fucked them till we could take no more, i like my ass being played with, with fingers and tongue! much more than being fucked!! if you specialize in fisting, and being the most sound, reliable, sensitive, dedicated fister, guys will be in line for you!!

i would!! (fisting is heaven on earth!!)

By spermkiss at 25,Feb,12 18:03 other posts of spermkiss 
That depends. Is that what you like and want? If so, go for it and don't be embarrassed or ashamed to assume that role.

For vaginal intercourse size is pretty much immaterial. Women get their sexual pleasure from stimulation of the clitoris and to a lessor extent the first inch or so of the vaginal canal. You a probably to small for anal intercourse as most receptive parties want something big, so that is pretty much ruled out.

As for oral sex, I've sucked off men who were as small as you and found it quite satisfying. Indeed, I find that the most interesting penises are at the opposite ends of the size scale, the very large and the very small. So keep putting your micropenis out there. There are those who find it attractive.

Finally, you might want to consider losing some weight. Not only do many people find excess weight unattractive, but with less weight your penis will appear larger and actually be larger.

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