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Display of location by IP trace

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Started by #297 at 03,Oct,09 05:23

This is just a suggestion for admin.......is it possible to display the location of last login of any user (on his/her page) by IP tracing? ....... just another safeguard against fakers....


Similar topics: 1.how do i upload a display pic?   2.UK guys who wants to fuck me?   3.To Admin: 'favorites' feature request   4.anyone on Kik? location?   5.Best location you ever had sex in?  

New Comment

By MoeJoe at 12,Oct,09 08:54 other posts of MoeJoe 
I would find this to be a bit of an intrusion to privacy. I don't want my location published, just because someone thinks I might be faking. I know the Admin can tell where we are sending from, but he should not be providing information about it publicly. If someone wants to know where I am....ask me and I will tell you if I feel comfortable about it.

And another thing...who cares about fakers...you are not going to stop them...just ignore them and they might go away.

Adult Discussion Forum