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To Admin: 'favorites' feature request

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Started by #143536 at 18,Feb,15 21:11
How about a way to "sort", then display the sorted pictures on a separate page.

For instance: If I'm particularly feeling like looking at just the big boobs in my collection, I could select those I want to see, then display just those pics I selected.


Similar topics: 1.QUESTION FOR ADMIN   2.For Admin   3.PIC OF THE MONTH - GREAT FEATURE!   4.We can now select multiple Pictures and choose a category etc thanks to the Admin.   5.Admin: This is a Members Request to : Bring back the Ban Feature from the past...  

New Comment

By admin at 18,Feb,15 22:13 other posts of admin 
Everything is possible, but I think most of people here would be just confused with such a feature considering you have to assign the categories yourself.
By #143536 at 19,Feb,15 01:00
Not really categories. Just have a little box that you can check next to or on each picture (sort of like the friends list where you can click and then delete). Then have an option that says "display these pictures only".

That way, I can go through my favorites, select only the pics I'm in the mood to view (and maybe jack off to), and have those pictures displayed until I click to go back to "display all" or something.

Adult Discussion Forum