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Saying you're gay when you're not really gay!

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Started by #54774 at 11,Apr,12 03:06
Who else on here pretends to be gay? I put on my profile that I'm gay because I love the thought of gay men looking at my pictures and wanking over them. Also, I find it really hot when I look at pictures of other gay penises. I think to myself 'That's a gay penis'. Lol. I find it well hot.

New Comment

By slipper at 12,Apr,12 01:13 other posts of slipper 

By #176420 at 11,Apr,12 23:29
Liar,Liar pants on fire.
By bigone21 at 12,Apr,12 00:35 other posts of bigone21 

By bigone21 at 11,Apr,12 21:44 other posts of bigone21 
saying you're gay when you are not really gay, saying you're a midget when you are not really a midget, saying you're caucasion when you are not really caucasion, saying you're 16 when you are not really 16, saying you're matt's wife when you are really matt52, WOW.... speaking to myself: welcome to the internet!! bullshit, bullshit and MORE bullshit!!

By spermkiss at 11,Apr,12 03:31 other posts of spermkiss 
After reading your "Should I?" question I took you to be a straight man who was gay curious. Seeing this question makes me wonder.

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