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Profile with no pics = stupid

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Started by #10456 at 07,Oct,09 13:30
Does anyone else think that people who just put up a profile but no pictures are totally missing the point of this website? If we got enough comments on here maybe we could get the person(s) in charge of the sit to insist that EVERY profile must post at least one pic in order to be valid. Anyone agree?

Similar topics: 1.stupid ?   2.tell me wat pics u want! cock, ass, body, pee, cum, self sucking- i can do it all   3.Photoshopped Pics/Different pics in profile   4.fake profiles using the same pics.   5.Retarded ass questions that you know are retarded but still want to ask anyway.  

New Comment

By #485312 at 24,Jul,15 06:55
they might not want to share themselves, being naked and taking pictures of yourself isn't for everyone, but they still want to look at real people rather than pro porn, it should be their choice like we all have the choice to post or not *lix*

By #262091 at 11,Aug,13 03:01
Well, I absolutely agree with you, there are so many profiles with no pic. I always think a profile with no pic is a fake account. Surely, there are many profiles with photoshopped or stolen pics as a fake too. Most stupid are pic less users which send private mails or which add me to their friend list. Kick 'em off and a profile with no pic should be deleted after 24 hours. Automatically.
By *kmadeau* at 11,Aug,13 05:15 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By Gary5 at 11,Aug,13 13:39 other posts of Gary5 
Right, agreed!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Sorry, that said, I came across one nice guy with no pics who told me the reason, he doesn't have a cam, only a cellphone which he uses to upload to another site - so he can't put pics on syd - fair enough. Turned out to be a really good bloke, so better keep an open mind!

By #359325 at 11,Aug,13 02:53
I agree with you. But what I **** is when they do post pic's, it's fake(photoshopped)and i've seen alot of them lately!!!

By DJS at 06,Aug,13 08:38 other posts of DJS 
there seems to be more & more profiles without pics for some reason

By Gav6677 at 02,Mar,13 03:42 other posts of Gav6677 
I cant load photos from i pad......any suggestions?
By #337858 at 02,Mar,13 05:11
I use mine all the time. What is wrong with your iPad?
By Gav6677 at 02,Mar,13 07:50 other posts of Gav6677 
Wont let me choose file to upload

By #249167 at 02,Mar,13 07:32
This site is called showyour dick/cunt, so I think you should show some dick/cunt. Although I understand that some people may be hesitant to do so for certain reasons.

By #242452 at 02,Mar,13 02:54
I think it's okay. Perhaps some people just like to come on here and look at pics and/or make comments and vote? Of course, if they are hot, I think it's a crime not to put up pics.

By MoeJoe at 08,Oct,09 10:46 other posts of MoeJoe 
I agree with Somerset and's been discussed to death, and it's probably just easier to by-pass those who don't post and look at the ones who do. I also agree with Somerset that it would be better to get people who do post, to post quality pics of themselves. There is a lot of very poor quality stuff posted here. There are some very nice cocks, but the pics are horribly out of focus, or poorly lit, and I for one will not bother commenting on them. Some people need to take a basic course in camera usage or pick up some tips. I think we had a conversation topic here one time that had some very good hints and tips on how to take good should be looked at by some people.

By admin at 07,Oct,09 13:45 other posts of admin 
It's funny how some complain about profiles w/o pics and in the same time others complain about profiles with fake pics. If I make it obligatory to put pics, we will see 5 times more profiles with fake pics, that's all that will be achieved.

Adult Discussion Forum