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how many inches can you tale in the butt

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Started by #255905 at 02,May,12 20:30
whats your record?
13 is my max

Similar topics: 1.not gay,but i love 17 inches in my butt   2.8 inches club   3.Butt plug   4.Butt plug in ass while riding bike!   5.CUM IN MY BUTT  

New Comment

By #251126 at 04,May,12 07:46
You are all SICK.

Why the heck would you ever want something to go into your butt?

It is designed to have stuff go out of it, not into it.
By *kmadeau* at 04,May,12 18:25 other posts of *kmadeau* 
very smart

By #27633 at 22,Sep,12 11:53
Thats just what you're brainwashed to believe

By #27633 at 22,Sep,12 11:49
I take my 9in dildo without too many problems now ... havn't tried anything longer

By #134599 at 04,May,12 20:16
the girth is the important bit for me not length
By *kmadeau* at 04,May,12 20:23 other posts of *kmadeau* 
here you go!
By #246924 at 22,Sep,12 09:04

By #255905 at 05,May,12 22:14
Make that 14 inches. Last night the wife didn't hold back at all. I am a little tender today though. 5.5inch girth. It did take a while and didn't really hurt at all. She would slowly push it in further hold it there and pull it out slightly for a second then push it in even further. I have never blown such a big load in my life. It was an anal orgasm at the same time as a cock cumming orgasm. Wow.
By bigone21 at 05,May,12 23:22 other posts of bigone21 

By #246924 at 05,May,12 04:13
My record is 10"

By *kmadeau* at 03,May,12 00:50 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Hi guy, i have commented on "exes huge cock", but now i think, that not your wife, but you are dreaming about his 10 incher!!!
By #255905 at 03,May,12 03:44
Your probably right. But the sight of her taking that huge cock really turns me on. Also a little insecurity about giving her the best that she can have
By *kmadeau* at 03,May,12 14:00 other posts of *kmadeau* 
what is comfortable for you ass, it's not for her pussy and all we know why!!!
By #255905 at 03,May,12 18:30
By *kmadeau* at 04,May,12 02:41 other posts of *kmadeau* 
because pusses have their limits, Sir!

By #255905 at 03,May,12 18:35
Yes please explain why. If you see my profile I'm odviously bi. So what are you getting at?
Maybe you and your little cock are bi as well but you won't admit it,yes that's probably why. You want that 10 incher up your little ass?yes we can all see that very easily. Don't be ashamed just go out and fuck a huge dick for yourself one.
By *kmadeau* at 04,May,12 03:11 other posts of *kmadeau* 
" my little cock"

Dear Sir, i have one time before explained to you that thickness is what matters not how long!

Yours is 5 inches thick and my one is 6.5 inches! Have i now to write more who is little guy!

Im straight man and Top only, never be fucked and never wanna to try.

My wife doesn't suck and no anal too, that why i used for this business young men. Fast all my bottoms have big long dicks, but like to suck on mine and to be fucked and when i saw how my dick hurts their asses! Have a nice time!
By #255905 at 04,May,12 06:04
I do apologize for my outburst. It was really uncalled for
By *kmadeau* at 04,May,12 16:27 other posts of *kmadeau* 
you are welcome, my friend! wish you a nice day!

By #220845 at 04,May,12 04:38
I LIKE thickness better than length

By #192548 at 02,May,12 21:31
Husband is 24 x 18 so...
By hytiger at 03,May,12 04:21 other posts of hytiger 
Prove it!

By bigone21 at 03,May,12 18:18 other posts of bigone21 
that's a BIG cock!! show it off girl!!

By #102374 at 03,May,12 02:53
10 inch dildo and.luv it.

By bigone21 at 02,May,12 21:00 other posts of bigone21 
a hand, the wrist, part of the underarm, 30 cm's
By *kmadeau* at 03,May,12 00:42 other posts of *kmadeau* 
30 centimeters = 11.8110236 inches

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