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Butt plug in ass while riding bike!

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Started by #283082 at 19,Jul,12 00:10
I like to try kinky things so one day i put a butt plug up my ass and rode my bike around! Omg my dick got so hard with each pump of the pedals! My female neighbor calld me over to talk, i swear mycock was bobbing in my pants she notice and got red in the face but she said maybe oneday we could go for a ride! I gong to take her up! But has anyone done that! I mean put a butt plug in their ass and just go out in public?

Similar topics: 1.Butt plug   2.Dildo or butt plug? tail butt plug   4.Fox tail butt plug   5.Butt plugs in public  

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By #588748 at 17,May,19 21:37
Yep sure have, while riding motorbike, bumps feel great, also replaced bicycle seat with dildo, now that was fun to ride

By #516354 at 27,Mar,19 04:25
I wore mine on the bus into town to do some shopping.Whilst walking around town I got so turned on I had to go into a public toilet and have a good wank!!

By #64328 at 26,Mar,19 18:34
I had a friend that did. He said he actually came handfree in his underwear.

By wycowboy at 26,Mar,19 12:43 other posts of wycowboy 
I wore mine to work one day. It's a good thing my cock is small, I had a hard on all day, lol.

By #583549 at 26,Mar,19 01:40
I have worn my butt plugs while driving and shopping.What a great filling experience!

By smokieb69 at 09,Aug,16 15:26 other posts of smokieb69 
I am going to try this

By mywusch at 06,Aug,16 18:08 other posts of mywusch 
yes, done and felt great

By #113591 at 19,Jul,12 01:42
**wasn't long**

By #113591 at 19,Jul,12 01:42
My girlfriend and I were at a going away party when she whispered in my ear that she was wearing her butt plug. It was so damn sexy to know she was wearing it in public it was long before I had my way with her behind a nearby tent.

Adult Discussion Forum