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Small Penis Humiliation

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Started by #243024 at 02,May,12 20:47
make fun of my tiny dick. feel free to be harsh![deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.Small penis humiliation   2.PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!!!! HUMILIATE MY LITTLE PICKLE PLEASE!!!!!!!   3.can you increased my humiliation?   4.Help understanding the appeal of Small Penis Humiliation   5.Who else is interested in small penis humiliation (SPH)  

New Comment

By #312164 at 18,Oct,12 04:40
your three times bigger than me
By Tinydick44 at 10,Aug,24 06:28 other posts of Tinydick44 
Me too

By #647421 at 26,Jul,21 03:47
Here's a little one for you

By Bendy at 23,Jul,13 06:20 other posts of Bendy 
It's soo flimsy when erect

By #164428 at 14,May,12 20:37
Your dick isn't tiny--for a four year old boy! Is that a dick or just a big clit? Does it even work? You can fuck me, but will I even feel it? That thing is only good in cuckolding--you can jerk that pathetic dicklet while watching a woman get fucked by a REAL dick! And while you're at it, lick that real man cum from my pussy before I MIGHT let you have seconds, little girl!
By #216735 at 24,May,12 19:06
I agree with you. I guess you like better my + 10"?
By #164428 at 29,May,12 06:28
I love yours very much! I love all sizes, actually. But since he requested the humiliation (some guys really do like it!), I offered it. I have some experience with this, having been with a guy (well, sort of; all online, but long term) who really got off on the humiliation!
By #291618 at 03,Nov,12 04:28
nice one steffi

By #233140 at 22,Dec,12 11:50
Now that's the spirit. I've been with a couple of cuckold couples, been the guy fucking the wife, and it's a lot of fun that's for sure

By #332306 at 21,Dec,12 21:48
Check out my small dick here - /anfxkijwdji9pic.html

By slipper at 03,Nov,12 04:01 other posts of slipper 
I like the small one far toooooo much!! Sorry.

By #200320 at 23,May,12 20:38

By stinger432 at 22,May,12 12:50 other posts of stinger432 
Too bad u don't have foreskin, it would be whole 4 inches

By #262482 at 21,May,12 17:30
It doesn't matter how big or how small, but what you do with it! I feel sure that your dick can give someone enormous pleasure, be grateful that you can get it stiff, there are many who very rarely experience a stiffy, I speak from experience.
By bigone21 at 21,May,12 22:28 other posts of bigone21 
the fairytale about size doesn't matter...

well, if you have three octaves to sing, you will be a better singer than ONE octave!!

size doesn't matter to a certain level! 6 inch, maybe 5 inch, sure, but hey, if your fingers are bigger than your erect cock, the size of your fingers matters!!

By bigone21 at 21,May,12 22:12 other posts of bigone21 
well, another example of: BIG bush, LITTLE tree!!

so, to make your sexpartner happy: become an expert in using your tongue, your fingers, or be fucked up the ass!!
By bigone21 at 21,May,12 22:13 other posts of bigone21 
or: MUCH tabacco, LITTLE cigar!

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