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Anal survey

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Started by #197831 at 04,May,12 15:40
Every time someone ask's about anal sex in this forum there seams to be someone there to say its bad and causes medical issues. Well i was wondering how many memebers here have anal sex on a regular basis with no issues and if any have encountered problems.

This is not the post for you to express your opinions just facts. But as its my post im gonna give mine. I feel anal sex is safe if done carefully ive fingered myself and played with dildos for 10+ years with not even the slightest discomfort

Similar topics: 1.Anal Sex Survey - Ladies Only (no men) for anal   3.Cum swallowing survey   4.You want only big dicks? Baaaad news.   5.Serious inquiry into anal  

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By Cummingforyou at 06,Feb,24 12:40 other posts of Cummingforyou 
Was fucked in the ass at 14 by a complete stranger in the local park while collecting chestnuts. Was in a very tree surrounded area at the bottom of the hill . He was on top of the hill a guy about early 20”s . He started talking to me and out of the blue asked me if I wanted sex . I was a late starter when it came to sex , wanking etc Sox no idea what to expect. But I said yes . He brought me into a real closed of area and pulled my pants down tired me around and I felt something poke into me that was his sick as hard as a rock . He slowly inserted his dick more into me . Felt no pain just feeling full up . He then grabbed mt hips and started to trust in and out of me . Reached around and took hold of my penis which got me hard and gave me an incredible pleasure rush. He then got faster heard him grunt and felt an wet sensation when he pulled out with his cum dripping out of me . I thought it was very safe and lov d everything about it

By #709175 at 06,Feb,24 09:10
I have only ever been fucked in the arse twice in my lifetime. Both times only weeks apart when I was 16 years old, the first was a scout camp, tents lined up, 4 to a tent, primitive mattress made of straw for all four, a blanket and pillow each, what could go wrong. All quite innocent I'm sure the scout leaders thought, probably not. For me it was something I hadn't expected at all, like all things unexpected that memory will last forever. Innocence prevails, off to bed we go, four young guys lying side by side, not a murmur, pretending to be asleep but oh so alert, someone is rubbing up against me, their arm is over me now, pushing something against my lower back and now my bottom. Don't make a sound, I'm sure everyone else is asleep, well not everyone, he's pulling my pants down now, I can feel something warm, something stiff, I think he might be sticking it into me, he is, it feels good, it's not hurting, he"s pushing it in and out, this feels really good, I push my bottom back, he can get in even further now. Now it's all wet, I feel all sloppy, the pushing has stopped now. Not a murmur, everyone is asleep now for sure. The next day was as if nothing had happened, I liked it like that and everyone else was of the same opinion whether they knew something or not. The camp went on, everybody was happy, I was happy, I'm sure my night visitor was happy.
The second time I was fucked was equally unexpected, as the first time had been a gentle, slow and exciting experience not so for this time around. It was scout night, I was in the store room doing something, an older scout, a rover, came in, he would have been 18, he was bigger than me but I wasn't concerned, I knew him. Then shock, he says, "I know what happened at the camp". So everyone hadn't been asleep after all. "I want some", my mind is racing, he can only mean one thing. He's very confident, he has full control, the room, the timing, "turn around, on your knees", I'm thinking is he going to hurt me, probably not, go with it, it didn't hurt last time, it will be over in a minute. I was wrong. I'm on my knees, he is behind, very close, pulling my pants down, I can feel his hand touching my hole, that's different, now something even more different, something big is pushing into my tight little bum hole, oh that's starting to hurt. And more pain, and more pushing, it must be big, more pushing and now it is in and it's out and in and out and now it's not hurting as much and in and out and faster in and out and now it's sort of feeling good and in and in and push and explode, wet, sloppy wet and he's out of me now but I'm full of wetness, I like that feeling, it's over, not a word and he's gone. My pants pulled up, I'm walking back out to the main room, I can feel the squelch in my bottom, I'll hold my head up, no-one will know what happened just then, at least I don't think so. Probably the only thing that is on my mind is a question, how come just when it's starting to feel really good it cums to an end. And end it did.

By #556114 at 18,Jul,18 21:16
I love to be fucked, need a enema just water, good lube a hard cock with a condom and you are good to go. hope you can find someone that likes to ass fuck and can pound you long and hard.

By cumonme1 at 06,Apr,18 09:59 other posts of cumonme1 
I love anal sex my wife took my anal cherry many years ago and I have been enjoying it ever since, as matter of fact I have a butt plug up my ass right now.

By #358797 at 24,Oct,14 20:30
I've been anal friendly for a good 8 years now and never once had an issue...
By #204766 at 13,May,15 04:12

By #485312 at 12,May,15 16:11
only problem lve had was fisting a guys arse and he bled a little, didn't cause any long term problem, he was ok the next day...*lix*

By #349059 at 24,Oct,14 18:36
I have been having anal sex for 14 years (and I'm a bottom). I've never had any problems. I am with a long-term partner and we have sex 2 to 3 times a week.

By bigone21 at 04,May,12 17:40 other posts of bigone21 
as a gay man of 48 i have 30 years of experience with anal sex, and it is a joy!!

but it's not "just do it!" it's advisable to inform yourself, because it takes a few steps to make it pleasurable! wikipedia is a start, just google "anal sex"

it's a good thing to learn how to douche your rectum if you want to engage in this sort of play! when the ass is clean, let the fun begin!!

i do it all, from fingering, asslicking (rimming), dildoes, fucking and fisting (all active and passive), and i never got hurt or hurt another guy!

use your mind, use your common sense, use protection (condoms, gloves), allways use enough lube, and be sensitive to the reactions you get!

and now, go home and play! have fun!!

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