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Other terms for cock or dick?

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Started by #257244 at 09,May,12 22:34
I feel weird saying those words when someone asks me to comment on thier pics. I usually just say nice or wow or something like that. I've used the terms junk, schlong, weiner, boner, slab, etc. I don't want to be rude, but i'm not sure what else to call them.

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By #199530 at 14,May,12 06:12
well personally I don't find anything wrong with cock or dick, but if you want you can call it what it is, "penis"

that sounds nice too
although I find the word pussy better than vagina, but maybe thats just me
By #147052 at 15,May,12 17:01

By #218130 at 09,May,12 22:57
I know what you mean. I find it difficult using "cunt", prefer pussy. Just feels less rude to me. To answer your question, dick doesn't sound too rude.
By #257244 at 09,May,12 23:12
cunt does sound kinda crude. i usually call it my va jayjay or hoohoo .
By #218130 at 09,May,12 23:25

By bella! at 09,May,12 23:21 other posts of bella! 
How about "package"....that might sound more delicate than cock. Also, the term "hoo haa" is an old time slang word for "coochie". I almost peed on myself when I first heard "pop your coochie"....I thought it was just a silly word that my mom said!

By #218130 at 09,May,12 22:57
I call my penis "my little friend"

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