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Why desribe your wife in derogatory terms

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Started by Andthisisme at 16,Sep,17 11:55  other posts of Andthisisme
I see many posts where the male partner describes their female partner as either a slut, a whore or in some other very derogatory manner. Maybe I am old fashioned but I would never dream of doing that. So why do people do that? Are their partners happy to be described in such terms?

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By phart at 17,Sep,17 01:30 other posts of phart 
In some cases I bet the man would have to come to this site or others to beat off as he would not get any from his wife if she knew how he described her.

By admin at 16,Sep,17 12:55 other posts of admin 
It's safe to assume that at least in 50% of those cases their "partners" are not aware of being described in such terms or of their photos being posted on this site.
By leopoldij at 16,Sep,17 14:21 other posts of leopoldij 
I've been invited to "fuck several of those wives". After long conversations, and when I insist that I be given the opportunity that they themselves want their wives to have, there is silence or break in communication The wives do not know. It's men's fantasies.
By Andthisisme at 16,Sep,17 14:34 other posts of Andthisisme 
Oh yes. there are so many fantasists on here, that is for sure. But why abuse their wives in those terms?
By leopoldij at 16,Sep,17 15:32 other posts of leopoldij 
I don't think "abuse" is the right term. After all, the wives don't know.

But real cuckolds do exist. I've met them. And they do enjoy watching their wife being fucked my others.
By Andthisisme at 16,Sep,17 16:09 other posts of Andthisisme 
Abuse is exactly the right term if the wives don't know. If the wife knew and enjoyed this form of abuse, for some strange reason, that would be different.
By leopoldij at 16,Sep,17 22:11 other posts of leopoldij 
Ok. I understand.

By admin at 16,Sep,17 23:11 other posts of admin 
Again, in many cases those are not their real wives, but ex-wives or ex-lovers. In some cases real wives they do not love anymore for some reason. They mostly get their steam off this way.

You have not seen what I've seen. I ran many different sites including some with funny pics and there is nothing more annoying than people submitting nudes of their exes or photoshops of their bosses or colleagues that they h@te with stupid insulting titles as "funny pics".

There is nothing funny about those and I have to delete them. But those people are so hooked that sometimes they submit same images over and over every fucking day for weeks and months as if it was their job. Even if I ban the pic, they modify it and submit again. I ban their IPs and they look for proxies, vpns etc. It's especially ridiculous when it happens on the half-dead sites where no one will really see those insults. It's just outright stupid.

By Andthisisme at 16,Sep,17 14:35 other posts of Andthisisme 
I have no evidence but I think that is probably true in the case of very many 'couples'.

By leopoldij at 16,Sep,17 14:35 other posts of leopoldij 
An example of this is Mr bigfunfun /member.php?w=513002 He begs me to fuck his wife in San Francisco but the wife is never available because, currently, "she's fucking a black guy"...

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