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Getting Circumcised

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Started by #249645 at 10,May,12 03:26
I am getting circumcised tomorrow just wondering what everyone with think.. I will post pictures of it after it is done. Has anyone else went through this and how did it turn out?

Similar topics: 1.Thinking of getting recircumcised-can you get too tightly circumcised?   2. Circumcised penis cum pics please! ;)   3.Anyone thinking about getting circumcised?   4.Circumcised/Cut guys - How did you end up with it?   5.Originally circumcised and now looking like I could use to be circumcised again  

New Comment

By #255813 at 06,Mar,13 15:53
Hi, I am a guy who has always had a interest in circumcision. I like to discuss and share my story and experiences with women who are interested in circumcision also. I also like to show my dick photos and videos and hear what they think. I dont mind discussing circumcision with guys as well but prefer to hear what women think. If you would be interested in this please contact me hope to meet some interesting people soon to chat and share with..
[deleted image]

By jocstfr at 03,Jun,12 23:24 other posts of jocstfr 
I commend you for doing what feels right and hope you are happy with the result! Having said that, every time i see an intact uncut cock, I wish I had one.
By #233714 at 18,Jun,12 16:10
Me Too. I know first hand what living without a foreskin is like and wish it had never been done to me. It is one of those decisions that when done there is no turning back and lasts a lifetime and gets worse the longer you live with it.

By #249645 at 02,Jun,12 18:34
[deleted image]
Before & After
By #233714 at 18,Jun,12 16:01
The before looks way better to me but to each his own on the looks preference. I was circumcised as an infant and I can atest to that at the age of about 50 I noticed that it became harder and harder to achieve orgasm due to the gradule loss of sensitivity to the glans from keratinization, being turned from an internal organ into an external organ. I have spent the last few years restoring my foreskin to try to regain a more sensative glans so I might get some pleasure from sex again. The changes brought about by having glans coverage has made it posable for me to begin to enjoy sex again and to my surprise more so than I could have imagined. I would try anything to solve a problem short of circumcision. It's long term ramifications are devistating.

By #175814 at 23,May,12 02:14
Oh, that is so sad. You will rue the day that you decided to do this. Nearly everyone that has decided to get circed as an adult has regretted it. Better you than me.
By #68656 at 23,May,12 07:13
Dear Mr. Hurt.
The odd point is that there are several large and active circumcision groups and that very matter is regularly discussed. There has NEVER been one instance of a man who has had an adult circ regetting it.
Could you publish testimonies and details of the individuals who have expressed their regrets to back up and verify your statement please.?
By #59855 at 23,May,12 07:18
From Matt's Wife: He can't John, he is a liar
By #175814 at 26,May,12 00:40
Not really a liar, but thanks for that. Since I am a member of anti-circumcision groups and an advocate of making ritualized Male Genital Mutillation ****, I'm am naturally inclined to gear my dialogue toward normalcy... That is intactness. I can completely understand how legal adults can select this for themselves because there are many fetishes such as piercing, splitting and other body modifications. But in short, there are many such reports of regret. Why wouldn't there be? Think about it... The pleasure felt from penile sexual stimulation comes not fom the glans, but rather the mucous membranes on the inside of the foreskin. About 80% of this tissue is removed, therefore an approximately similar reduction in pleasure is the result. It doesn't even take anyone very smart to understand that simple logic. Also, the glans is an internal organ also having mucous membrane. As such, it becomes keratinized and skin-like, toughening in response to abrasive stimulation inside clothing, etc. If these pleasantries appeal to you, then by all means you should do this modification. But the system is not a mistake and it works the way that it does for a reason.
By #170523 at 26,May,12 01:34
You seem very attuned to yourself and what pleases you,that is fine if that is how you approach sex.I have always believed,the more you give the more you recieve, there are many ways to pleasure,explore and enjoy a women's body that have no bearing on whether one has foreskin or not.
By #196621 at 03,Jun,12 01:44
you are full of shit talkin to hear your brains rattle you were probley cut at birth so you dont know any better youpull out a cut 8x5.5 cock or a 8x5.5 uncut that knows what he is doin i knowthe one mostwomen will take. but ifyou are only messin with micro cocks no big deal
By #68656 at 18,Jun,12 10:45
That would have to be some of the most pompous, obtuse and intellect-insulting rubbish that myself and the majority of thinking members of this website have read in a long time.
It is something only a silly k-i-d isolated from reality could come up with and is too stupid for further informed comment by either male or female members.
Have a read of this classic where he claims he is not homosexual yet all his "member`s recent comments" are explicit, detailed solicitations and comments on photos of male genitalia and anatomy.
"m not gay so lookin at asses &assholes is sickin the site says show your cock nothing aboutasses &assholes youknow your are queer when you want plug inthe ass or want to plug some one else in the so get your own site this one says show your cock"
By #218130 at 18,Jun,12 13:58

By hytiger at 03,Jun,12 14:41 other posts of hytiger 
It looked a lot nicer before!

By #169172 at 26,May,12 01:10
SO i have a circumcision scheduled in 12 days. i am getting it done because i cant always pull skin back. and can never get it pulled around the head when erect. please give me your opinions if i should get it cut or just live with it? responses are much appreciated
By hytiger at 03,Jun,12 14:38 other posts of hytiger 
Opt for a dorsal slit, it solves the tightness, plus you don't lose your foreskin

By #119469 at 02,Jun,12 19:04
dont remove the natural parts from the body.

By slipper at 13,May,12 02:37 other posts of slipper 
Have your skin grafted to mine!!! Then, we'd both be happier!

By #246354 at 11,May,12 13:39
Getting Circ'd is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a man. Got it done when 18 and it improves anything that can be done with a dick. Really looks and feels great, compared to an ole ugly piece of sausage. Would highly recomend it to any man.
By bigone21 at 11,May,12 19:29 other posts of bigone21 
since you have no pics posted, i can't see what your "ole ugly piece of sausage" looks like..!

By bigone21 at 11,May,12 19:26 other posts of bigone21 
your decision, there are risks, but i think you have thought about that! good luck tomorrow!!

By #68656 at 10,May,12 09:06
Welcome to the world of roundheads.
By #201155 at 11,May,12 18:36
I second that!

By Newforeskin at 10,May,12 10:46 other posts of Newforeskin 
Don't do it. You're lucky to have one. Keep it. Why are you doing it?

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