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stretching your testicles

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Started by #11655 at 16,Oct,09 03:06
does anybody knows of exercise to stretch your testicles or any type of imformation

Similar topics: 1.Size of testicles. (I've got big balls)   2.retracting testicles   3.You like testicles with a what kind of size the small one or the big one?   4.Stretching   5.Twisted testicles  

New Comment

By #536316 at 05,Jul,17 13:21
[deleted image]
love wearing my stretcher

By RealTitsLover at 04,Jul,17 11:27 other posts of RealTitsLover 
I wouldn't know... I have no desire to stretch my nutsack because girls say how much they like the fact that my balls don't hang loosely (at least not when hard). I've been told it makes them much more appealing to suck on, or... to wanna rub 'em all over their face...

By #121361 at 04,Oct,16 05:32
[deleted image]
By #485312 at 17,Feb,17 07:21
you have some amazing ball stretchers Len *Lix*
By #121361 at 04,Jul,17 06:40
Oh yes ! THX LIX

By #121361 at 04,Jul,17 06:39
Soft Way ![deleted image]

By kebmo at 03,Oct,16 10:40 other posts of kebmo 
Just to clarify, you're not stretching your testicles; you're stretching your scrotum. Stretching your testicles would really, really, really hurt.
By #121361 at 16,Feb,17 06:13
Thats correct

By #121361 at 04,Oct,16 05:28
[deleted image]

By #121361 at 28,May,16 11:59
[deleted image]

By #503907 at 23,May,16 15:05
[deleted image]

By #485312 at 23,May,16 13:46
use your google button, lm sure theres a device made in china that would do the job and if it doesn't you'll bust a nut trying *lix*

By #121361 at 19,May,16 04:57
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 9865 hours

Thats 2 kg Love the pull Feeling !

By MoeJoe at 16,Oct,09 09:13 other posts of MoeJoe 
Grab with your hand and pull!

Adult Discussion Forum