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Should their be a seperate "domination king" and a "syd king"

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Started by #263218 at 04,Jun,12 20:09
Ive gotten many pm's about king monted* some from his "friends" saying its time to change the way a king is chosen.he can still b king but of domination but many would like a king of this site! Someone who actually has a page and has pics i hope the community agrees with this and tells admin, as long as we speak up we can change this system thanks

Similar topics: 1.EVERREADY TO BE KING   2.who likes / dislikes the KING   3.Who thinks the "king" should b voted in by registered members   4.Im done fighting with monted*   5.Is the new King worthy of that position?  

New Comment

By admin at 04,Jun,12 20:24 other posts of admin 
So far no one else is speaking except you. Don't take me for a fool.
By #92909 at 04,Jun,12 21:53
and he is a liar too
By #263218 at 04,Jun,12 22:11
By #92909 at 04,Jun,12 22:37
oh the language
By #59855 at 05,Jun,12 08:02
From Matt's Wife: Lover needs to be banned
By #164428 at 05,Jun,12 20:46
He is the same guy who was harassing me a few months back. He went by LLCOOLT at that time. You may recall. He has since apologized to me, but I do agree with you. All of this hoopla about kingship, and attacking Monty, should not be allowed.
By #59855 at 06,Jun,12 20:02
From Matt's Wife: Wow this guy is a great catch. Women should be falling all over him

By #59855 at 04,Jun,12 20:16
From Matt's Wife: Why are you continually bashing Monted. It says alot about you
By #263218 at 04,Jun,12 21:10
Im bashing him? I like u to read all the shit hes pm to ! Id like him to go public with his thoughts! Hey he can still b king of "domination" but their should b a seperate king for syd. Good for u for sticking up for ur man but theres a conscesous thats not agreeng with the way he became king! He should be more "nice" then just saying fuck u i dominate u! Im king and fuck u! Just like in the real world dictators will b dethroned p.s no dis to admin u do a great job !
By #92909 at 04,Jun,12 21:52
[deleted image]

By #59855 at 05,Jun,12 08:00
From Matt's Wife: Now this person is pming me and calling me names and threatening me.

"I had to check ur page out. THATS IT! ALL THAT TALK AND THATS ALL U GOT! Please when u have a opinion ask me first and ill give it to you! I know now ull have to come back with some shit to say to me but know u know when monted* pm d me thats how i felt DO U GET IT!"

By bella! at 04,Jun,12 20:29 other posts of bella! 
Does it really matter? This site is for fun and fantasy. You're expending so much time in attempting to restructure everything already established..... Obviously, the site was set up as a monarchy not democracy, hence the king and queen. What!? You want a democracy? How long is the term? I think MONTED* has proven he reigns supreme.
By *kmadeau* at 04,Jun,12 20:53 other posts of *kmadeau* 
hello Bella! i agree with you, but the Monarchy here works fast as Anarchy as well, because the King (or Admin) don't care! For example: the Fakers have here very big place and they are more as arrogant every days. Do you think about how much points they collect for nothing?... to used them for banning us good members and ect. lol
By bella! at 04,Jun,12 21:05 other posts of bella! 
kmad, people posting pics that are photo-shopped is an entirely different issue. WE are the dumbasses that click on their pics and leave comments ( whether good or bad ) and based on the views and comments, at the end of the day determines what point value is awarded. So continue your crusade to educate those that don't understand what their click and/or comment equates to, I am in agreement with you and am behind you on this!
By *kmadeau* at 04,Jun,12 21:48 other posts of *kmadeau* 
i know, thanks a lot

By #166469 at 04,Jun,12 21:16
Why do u even care dude, the king of the site dosnt have authority over you and no extra power, really why do you care?
By #263218 at 04,Jun,12 21:27
I care because whn i first posted "how do u become king" he was all over my shit dominating me,pm ing me with crap , he sent me 10 pm that made no sence. I just wanted to know how to be "king" i had nothing against him till he started this crap why should i lay down down to him HAVE U EVER SEEN HIM!
By #166469 at 04,Jun,12 21:33
if you dont like someone just block them so u dont have to see what they say, dont start drama
By Ray10754 at 04,Jun,12 21:36 other posts of Ray10754 
That is just common cents

By Ray10754 at 04,Jun,12 20:59 other posts of Ray10754 
So tired of the pissing and moaning about all this king noncents! Why is it all nesacary? Who cares who is King?(nothing against the curent king ). He is the king of a game here called Domination,Not the king of the site! If you want to be king then get involved in the game and do what is needed and see if you can win it from him! (I doubt if very much)Time to grow up, put on you man pants and get over it!!!!Mind you buisness and enjoy the site for what it is ment to be!!
By #263218 at 04,Jun,12 21:19
Hey im here same as you! Not for some a hole to "dominate"me or burn my points! Im guess all the people saying good for monted* r his freinds that cool i just think this is a forum where discussion is wht its all about would you b making this much noise if i posted "LOOK AT MY COCK" THANKS
By bella! at 04,Jun,12 21:27 other posts of bella! 
I'm not a friend of MONTED* I'm just someone that wonders why all the energy spent on change? If you want to implement change, create your own website, make the rules and deal with those that challenge you!

By Ray10754 at 04,Jun,12 21:29 other posts of Ray10754 
Well Im not a friend of him at all never had any contact with him since I have been here and actually so far have never had a problem with people burning my points.
No one says you have to be dominated by him or any one else on the site If im not mistaken there is an (opt out)
Option for the domination game.
Adn ferther more from my experiance here the only reason some one would burn your points would be if you are a fake, act like an idiot or have an issue with them, so it he is burning your points than you should look back at YOUR actions here and possibly make some changes.
Maby you should post (look at my cock) you might get some better responces,although I cant guarentee it!

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