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Lying About Size

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Started by #267489 at 06,Jun,12 13:42
Whats with the lying of our penis sizes and having fake measurements?
What is the point?
Some pics I see I wonna call out but dont wonna be an asswhole.

Similar topics: 1.lying   2.Dick size vs. Shoe size   3.Does it actually matter?   4.My size   5.Big Cumshots  

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By #291618 at 17,Aug,12 04:47
haha its true why lie about our size i mean when the time comes and a girl looks at it and its smaller what do u say?? "mmm remember i told u i was 10 sorry i had an accident and i lost 6 inches" hahaha dont do it be proud of what u got im just 6.2 but i love my big head and the shape of my cock

By #64328 at 16,Aug,12 07:43
I cant say I have never fibbed about it. But that was when I was 12. Typically I understate it just a little. Most of my friends growing up always claimed to be at least an inch bigger than they really were. Because of this many girls have a skued sense of size. I have been told by girlfriends it was bigger than it really is and had a girlfriend tell her friends I was 8 inches. Probably because her other boyfriends said the were 6 1/2 when in reality they were probably 5 inches. Most of them I have seen in real life are between five and six inches and many claimed being much bigger. Myself I actually think average or even smaller are better looking than large. I have always thought purportion is what make a good looking penis

By #68656 at 07,Jun,12 17:21
The size of a man`s dick has no bearing whatsoever on either his masculinity or worth as a man.
On the subject of fakes there was a Mexican k-i-d on here who claimed he had a ten inch dick, he closed his account a few days ago which was was no loss whatsoever.
The relevant part of me certainly is not large but it works and that is all that matters.

[deleted image]
By *kmadeau* at 07,Jun,12 23:03 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Hi JohnS, laying about size of dicks is very bad, bud laying about "owner's right" of some dick
( with stolen pics) is the worst thing here!!!

By *kmadeau* at 07,Jun,12 22:59 other posts of *kmadeau* 
laying about size of dicks is very bad, bud laying about "owner's right" of some dick
( with stolen pics) is the worst thing here!!!

By just16cm at 07,Jun,12 12:41 other posts of just16cm 
I would NEVER lie about my 15" Dick

By #166469 at 06,Jun,12 16:30
I remember afew days ago a member in the fourum vlaiming to be 9 inches and had a proof pic. In the pic the tape measure started at his stomack about 2 inches behind the start of the guys dick and. The head of his dick was covered by his fist as he was stretching himself to just reach the size he claimed to be.

Amazes me how some peoplee arnt simply lieing abot their sizeto others, but they are lieing to themselves..
By Ray10754 at 06,Jun,12 17:43 other posts of Ray10754 
I know the guy your talking about! Most of his photos are that way on his profile!! It is a shame that they feel the need to lie about something like that! I myself am not big, I think I would be in the averrage group! It has been with me all my life, never been any complaints as of yet No sence in lieing about what your blessed with!!

By *kmadeau* at 06,Jun,12 14:41 other posts of *kmadeau* 
laying about size of dicks is very bad, bud laying about "owner's right" of some dick
( with stolen pics) is the worst thing here!!!

By #218130 at 06,Jun,12 14:07
I'm not BIG, I made peace with that. Never much worried about my exact size or measurements. So I agree, don't see the point at all.

By boc at 06,Jun,12 14:01 other posts of boc 
I say "Call them out". I think most guys exaggerate. Some more than others.

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