Trump definately doesn't need someone, to "ruin his legacy", he himself fucked it up better, than anyone else has done it... just sayin... |
Seriously, you blame the democrats the same way, like the republicans blamed obama the last couple of years... take it like a man... |
The whole world desperately waits for the proof of this "issue"...
But I wouldn't hold my breath for this to happen...ever... just sayin... |
They listened to the people outside the building... but the majority of them voted for Biden... |
I'm interessted in the "mudhole thing", too. Sounds quite complicated... |
So? If you run a company, and you keep doing the things, like you did the last 30, 50, 80... years or so, you risk it on your own. You have to go with the time.
Climate change is a problem for everyone, some people/companys can handle it, some don't... It seems to be "in" to accuse "random people/circumstances" for things they fucked up by their own. But this is just my opinion... |
First: I'm not country, I'm a man. Second: you know nothing about germany.
Trump is the one of the most uneducated persons that EVER was a leader of a country. If someone like that leads a country like the usa, his uneducated decisions will cause harm to the country he leads, and to the rest of the world. Nowadays you have to think global, or else, you're going to lose big time... |
I don't listen to CNN or MSNBC, cause I'm german. And I definetly won't google for those "facts", cause most of the stuff you find will be bullshit and/or weird conspracys.
Exept from that, I'm totally able to see the difference between populist crab and real news... |
I asked, where do you get that info from, not for another weird conspiracy theory made out of "alternative facts"...
What ever... |
Where did you get that "german girls" info? Vi0lence? Has trump said that? Was it on Fox News?
I tell you something: that's BULLSHIT! "News" like that come from "limited news sources", cause they are LIES! |
I can only speak for myself, and I was circumcised out of medical reasons. |
You got to love it, when flat-earthers talk about "logic"...
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![]() ![]() ![]() |
And I never will. ![]() |
Sorry, but I am busy bowing down before my brand new "beeing banned for wasting VERY valuable time" badge.
You know, it's, like, shiny... and sparkling in the sun and stuff... I mean, your mighty, manly dingus does it, too, but that badge is, like, brand new. BRAND NEW! So, call again later, when I'm not, like, busy anymore and all. |
I know, my english isn't THAT good, but I thought this site was called "show your dick" and not "find someone to wank with or get pissed and ban him/her"...
...but again, my english 'n stuff... |
Don't you just h.ate it, when, you know, people throw random letters in your general direction, and then they get all upset and stuff, when you don't confuse these ... umm.. "letter piles" as the same words, as they do?
btw feel free to confuse my horrible english/letter piles with something less horrible, like ..umm... a zombie attack or.... beeing forced to read ALL "rate my dick" threads EVER posted on syd or something ![]() |
it's very nice of you, that you offer this service to the ...ummm... "less smart" people. There is just one thing I don't really get: how did you manage to get this thread being "similar" to "About sex with dead body." Inquiring minds (probably just me) want to know. ![]() |
[deleted image]
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try "mysize" condoms, they come in 7 different sizes. |
So you mean, JustWill lied, and he is nothing but a straight guy? I mean, everyone knows, that you CAN'T be both.
That would be soo rude of him ![]() ![]() |
Umm... nice ...um... "similar" topics...
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...deleted for posting web-pics ![]() |
Damn you sillines! DAMN YOU! *insert fist shaking smilie here*
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Move along folks, nothing to see here! |
Get of me lawn! |
Happy new year! |
[ ] yes
[ ] no [ ] maybe [ ] I don't know [ ] something completly different |
Cheese! |
Chocolate icecream tastes good. |
I just understand railroad station.*
*old, german saying |
I saw it in the evaluation panel, and voted against it...
Anyways, he is gone. |
Well, he reported you, so he seemed to be some kind of serious about that. |
PIE seems to be the abbreviation of 'pe-dophile information exchange' (some forbidden organisation or something)
But I still can't figure out, how he could confuse pie with PIE... |
No problem. I realised what he meant, as I saw this on the evaluation panel.
btw: my forehead still hurts ![]() |
I don't think justwill meant THIS kind of PIE... ![]() ... just sayin' |
I don't think offering golden showers in the forum is going to improve your rating...
...but I fear, it does ![]() ![]() |
I'm just guessing, but being a penguin with a huge pecker and all, maybe you refused to many offers for 1000% totally straight till you/they die sex?
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No, he should change his name to hrnywebcrapposter ![]() ... or maybe hrnygetsdeletedsoon ![]() |