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Started by #239071 at 08,Jun,12 03:54
when you masturbate and you are going to cum but you dont want to how can you stop it?

Similar topics: 1.FIRST CONTACT WITH A GUY   2.question   3."Answer"   4.Question for gay or bisexual men.   5.A question for my fellow Bi's, Gays, and or Lesbians...  

New Comment

By #485312 at 29,Dec,17 12:23
stick you dick in a bag of ice cubes and think of arse sweat between hairy ball sack *lix*

By #64328 at 23,Dec,17 15:48
stop and go method is the easiest. just bring your self close to orgasm over and over. when you finally cant hold back again its incredible feeling. A friend taught me about it as a **** and i love edging still to this day

By leopoldij at 22,Dec,17 22:03 other posts of leopoldij 
Watch a video with Donald Trump. It'll stop any sexual desire whatsoever. Or just listen to his voice.

By #59855 at 08,Jun,12 21:34
From Matt's Wife: Have someone hit you in the face with a brick

By #85103 at 08,Jun,12 03:56
Try pressing hard on the spot between your ass and your balls when you're close to cumming
By #239071 at 08,Jun,12 06:07
is that useful?

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