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Advise me on skype

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Started by #42017 at 10,Jun,12 11:28
I'm thinking of creating a skype account dedicated to SYD members. Is is possible to keep it **** from other people who might use your computer? Presumably you can de-activate it easily and keep it hidden from view.
I have a dread of the skype alarm going off and my wife picking it up and see a guy with a huge dick - she might enjoy it but it would be so embarressing!
Is it possible to have 2 skype accounts on one computer?

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New Comment

By #591976 at 18,Jun,19 01:09
Hi. My Asian slut wife loves it when guys use her as wank object on Skype. She want to try to make as much guys as possible cum. It's just for fun. If you interested just add us on Skype live:leey6836
We plan to do the next time on the 5. July
Hope to see your hard dicks

By #68656 at 03,Mar,16 14:08
The original poster closed his account years ago and will not be skyping with anyone.
By admin at 03,Mar,16 14:49 other posts of admin 
From the looks of it 3 last posters did not even bother to read the original post. Considering this, do you really think they would read your comment?

By #467693 at 03,Mar,16 07:53
romeo.janan my skype

By #215314 at 20,May,13 12:55
Hi all I cant use skype as I live in Turkey and the GOV blocks it - is there any other means to c2c ??? Help !!!

By #131547 at 13,Sep,12 10:35
Yes but can you make sure the second name does not persist in the sign in "box"?

By qhaos at 11,Jun,12 12:11 other posts of qhaos 
yes you can have 2 accounts on one pc. you can only logout to the first account and login with te other on skype software

Adult Discussion Forum